Do you know that it take a community to support the birth a - TopicsExpress


Do you know that it take a community to support the birth a baby. THANK-YOU to all the communities’ members who had a special role, known or unknown in these sweet three winter storm babies arrivals. THANK-YOU to three sheriffs department, in two states, for helping us get accurate information about our travel options and calling us to check in during our driving time. THANK-YOU, to the Department of Transportation departments in 2 states for clearing our roads during the raging blizzard; brave souls you are. THANK-YOU, David and Matt for pulling one of our cars out of the ditch, plowing the long driveway and making sure we had safe passage up the steep hill, to be ready for our next call. THANK-YOU, to Jenny and Tim for your morning radio program, bringing the comfort of home along, as we traveled far from it. THANK-YOU, to our beautiful Oneonta Food Coop, who prepares nourishing food for us when we are to tired to nourish ourselves from our own kitchen. THANK-YOU, to our loving families and friends who nourish our hearts and energize our spirits; understanding and supportive of our need to leave in a moment of a deep conversation, embrace, anticipated special moment or mundane chore. Your love and connection is beyond what I can express or offer you in words. THANK-YOU to my own babies who brought me the sacred understanding of this journey and who also happened to offer me their awd vehicles during this storm. THANK-YOU, to the beautiful, supportive and loving birth companions, Karin, Lara, Kelly and Chelsea, who shared their special love, kindness, talents and support with these sweet families. Saying yes to coming and serving in these unpredictable conditions. THANK-YOU, to Moira and Rachel for taking a sister midwifes call’s day or night!!! THANK-YOU, to Facebook Friends for all of the love and support you offer us. You nourish our hearts. THANK-YOU, to neighbors and community, who shovel your walk, jump start your car, offer you their car when yours won’t start,. This sharing of kindness, actions, words and smiles creates a sense of interdependence and interconnectedness that enriches us all. THANK-YOU to all those, who my slightly foggy mind, has not brought to the forefront of this sleepy mind. Your actions and support matter. Thank-you to divine timing in letting each of these little ones arrive on there own special day. THANK-YOU, loving families who invited us in to the warmth of your home and hearts to share in the amazing joy of your journey. xoxoxoxoxoxo
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 16:23:03 +0000

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