Does anyone else have that feeling when you finish something, and - TopicsExpress


Does anyone else have that feeling when you finish something, and you think "what am I supposed to do with my life now"? Because I just got that. To console myself, I shall post random things from my random projects. Angel: “First Star said that his father, the Darkness, knew about the gamble of bringing you towards us. None of us understood what this meant before. But now it makes perfect sense. By making us stronger, you have also made us more vulnerable.” He stopped and shook his head. Looking back at the bright palace, he murmured, “But we had no choice. We needed you…” Araina: Surprised at this news, I said, “Yes, because I know you said earlier that my Sister had been casting spells over the planets to look for me, but… I didn’t think you’d meant an actual blood Sister. I just assumed that you meant…” “Anything but that,” Aithr finished for me, smiling. “I know what you mean. Things like this are hard to soak in, especially when you’ve never known about them.” Now I started wondering if Aithr could read minds. Great. I still didn’t know if Lasther read minds, I didn’t need another one… Belle: “This is hopeless,” Harry muttered, chucking a book back on the desk. Rising from my chair I put a hand on his shoulder and said, “It’s not. I told you I’m getting you past these dragons. And damn it, that’s what I’m going to do.” And I buried my face in the book again. Suddenly, Harry started. “Dragons!” “Yeah, genius, what do you think we’ve been researching all this time? Leprechauns?” Avalain: “What ails you, Avalain?” Glancing down at her side, his eyes widened as he said, “You should truly do something for that…” Avalain was confused as to what he was referring until he pointed to clear it up. Glancing down at her side, she sighed and said, “I probably should, shouldn’t I…” Seeing that Sam was now awake, Avalain removed her arm and rose—a gush of blood fell from the cut on her side. “Perhaps I should’ve done something about it sooner,” she mused, poking it. “Well, don’t do that!” exclaimed her friend, shaking his head hopelessly, a small smile upon his face anyway. Nietta: I didn’t even have time to seize a pillow before I started screaming. Though I was sure the shriek had lasted only a few seconds, Zyla opened my door suddenly and frightened me into a gasp that made me choke. The Lady of Summer’s eyebrows raised as she exclaimed, “Now, really, Nietta, we’re just across the room! Here,” she said, and she tossed me a pillow almost straight in my face. “Scream into that, if you so choose. But please do not disturb the rest of the castle. Your screams can rival a banshee’s.” With that, Zyla slammed the door shut. Kira: “It was very difficult to maintain a straight face when I witnessed your bringing in a full barrel of ale,” told Kira, now smiling freely at the sight. “I still do not believe I did a very good job.” “Well, you seemed sincere enough upon calling me an idiot.” “That’s because you are one, brother." “Shut up. You’re making me look bad.” “It doesn’t take me to make you look bad.” Kira laughed again as both the twins bowed mockingly, as if it were all well-rehearsed. Though it had not been, she was very much entertained as she sat back down and began to eat as well, though with much more restraint and etiquette than the others… to which sense she found herself extremely superior. Pria: Then I turned to the boy. “Shut up!” I snapped. “Don’t call me that!” “What, darling?” he asked, shrugging. “It’s my pet name. You don’t like it?” “No, it’s totally the highlight of my life.” “Well, now that I know you hate it, I’m just going to use it more.” “Asshole.” “Uptight,” he retorted mildly, inspecting his fingernails. “Someone should really remove that pole up your ass. I suppose that should be easy enough, seeing as we’re heading to a hospital—” Riveranne: The prince nodded once and held open the door to leave. He summoned the guard to return, and once the guard did, the prince said, “Give her a blanket. She’s freezing.” He stayed only long enough to see me receive it. My gratefulness still cannot be put into words. It was that small drop of kindness even in the Fire prince that rekindled my old hopes—if the prince hadn’t done that, my spirit would’ve died… as would have my physical body. As it was, it was all I could do to call out the words, “Thank-you.” Caught by surprise, the prince turned to look at me. Seeing the puzzlement in his brown eyes, I repeated, “Thank-you,” so that he would be sure to hear it. A sudden change morphed in his eyes upon hearing my words. It was as if he were suddenly awakened to a great change in the world… Joanna: “Nailed it!” Isabelle exclaimed, rushing to her closet. I restrained another internal groan as she reemerged with a bright red dress that would hug my body. Though our mission that night was supposed to be hunting down a pesky demon that could often be found in wild, chaotic places, Isabelle seemed to have added on another goal—set me up with a boy or die trying. She just didn’t know how hopelessly I’d already fallen.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 22:50:16 +0000

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