Does this photo bother you? If it does, then do something about - TopicsExpress


Does this photo bother you? If it does, then do something about it! Stop supporting animal testing through your purchases and tell your friends and family to do the same. Sadly there are still many companies (a lot of the big ones) out there torturing animals through testing household cleaners, cosmetics, etc. However there are also countless ethically conscious companies that dont partake in this barbaric practice and they, and the animals need your support! For those that are unaware, the final products like toilet paper, shampoo, paper towel, etc are not what is tested on the animals but rather the chemicals that go into the making of the products. Those are what are injected into their eyes, under their skin, etc. Also, a standard practice that will most likely turn your stomach is something called an LD50 Test (Lethal Dose 50) where if 50% of the animals die and 50% survive those are what these companies consider to be good odds and turn out for consumer use. So if you think testing products on animals somehow makes them safer for human use youre sadly mistaken. Please take a minute to educate yourself about this simple yet significant topic. I kindly ask that you go through the products in your home and cross reference with this list of companies that still test on animals: thevegetariansite/ethics_test.htm Unless youre up to date on this issue, I guarantee youll be surprised and disappointed at just how many products you regularly use that are tested on animals, meaning that your hard-earned dollars have been supporting this senseless suffering. No need to throw out the products as this would be doubly wasteful, just please be more conscious of what you purchase in the future. Also there is no need to go to specialty health food or hippie stores either as many ethically sourced and cruelty-free products are commonly available in regular stores nowadays. When you know better, you do better and its time we all know better. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 04:38:57 +0000

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