Does your diet work for you? Or are you forever failing and - TopicsExpress


Does your diet work for you? Or are you forever failing and starting again? Recent research suggests that finding the right diet for you is actually whats important and not whether its low carb, slimming world or the like. Most diets work on the same principles of eliminating high calorie nutritionally poor foods and replacing with nutritionally dense foods, such as fruits and vegetables. This in turn helps to create a calorie deficit and weight loss follows. As a side note what this also does is gives the body plenty of nutrients, eliminating deficiencies and giving you more energy, to use to carry out some form of exercise. There really is no need to be on a diet for most people who just want to lose some weight, being on a diet sucks too. It focuses on going without, however embracing fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and healthy fats over sugar loaded snacks and processed meals is something youll learn to enjoy, being healthy is a lifestyle, not a diet. Once you figure out how to make that work for you then youll see the real benefits. How you get there is not really the issue, its getting there that is and thats all about finding what works for you.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 09:03:13 +0000

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