Donald Huber > Randy Oberbreckling **** The Best & Worst of - TopicsExpress


Donald Huber > Randy Oberbreckling **** The Best & Worst of Times… A New Story! **** These are the best of times and the worst of times! We live in the most advanced, powerful and compassionate society of civilized people who are governed by the greatest experiment in personal liberty and human freedom in an elected representative Republic form of limited Constitutional governance based upon rule by ballot box democracy. Our decency, intelligence and religiosity are expected to provide responsible, righteous, civilized and respectable behavior producing equality and justice for all. The majority will, consent of the governed, of We the People, must always be a fair & balanced, just and trusted, underlying source of all the power and authority of our government. Unfortunately our governing system, our nation’s leadership, our ballot box check and balances and our “American Dream” driven society are all overwhelmed & corrupted by the most dangerous, destructive and deadly character traits of self-centered, self-serving and selfish focused “Career Politico’s” and the most evil human qualities of integrity-lacking greed and avarice! This disastrous situation is being compounded by a public fed nothing but tainted and slanted news stories from the liberal or conservative media, devoid of factual accuracy. The universally accepted and humane belief is that if one wants to overcome any addiction, failing or obstacle in life’s path, they must first recognize the existence of their problem and then they must identify its true underlying real root cause. The current national dilemma is the result of a multi-faceted problem of an ineffective, inefficient and dysfunctional failing federal system plagued with a misguided society focused on a newly defined “Get rich quick, fast buck artistry, what’s in it for me… hard work lacking… ” American Dream! The real root cause underlying these problems are poorly qualified, selfishly focused and leadership-experience-lacking “Career Politico’s” dominating our political arena and a poorly educated, selfish focused and overly greedy electorate plagued with a disease I have labeled “Einstein Electoral Insanity!” The early 1962 picture herewith, shows me (left) being introduced to a man who became my early career boss, political tutor, life-long friend and mentor, the late MI Governor, George Wilcken Romney (middle), by my grad school Professor, Dr. Harold Norris (right). A week earlier Dr. Norris said, “Mr. Huber, you act, think, sound, argue and debate just like a colleague and friend, though an opponent of mine up in Lansing, where we are both delegates to the Michigan Constitutional Convention rewriting our antiquated State Constitution. You two should meet!” Years later, in 1967, that friend considered running for President and based upon a briefing tour he took to the Vietnam War torn region of S.E. Asia, he made a televised statement about American’s being “brainwashed” and misled by the military, diplomatic corps and the Washington politicians about the real status of that War. He was heavily criticized by a barrage of Democrat, Republican and media critics saying his comments were foolish, blind, ignorant and “un-American” and this conduct ultimately resulted in his withdrawal as a candidate from that 1968 Presidential race! Time has proven, and ethical leaders of that day have since acknowledged, including Defense Sec McNamara, that George Romney was absolutely correct in his opinion and observations about the Vietnam War. He was a good, decent, honest and intelligent leader of great integrity who was forced out of that leadership opportunity by jealous, shameful and threatened career politicos and some ignorant American’s among us! Several years later in a private meeting in his home on the hill along Valley Road in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan when I had asked him to be the Honorary Chairman of a national charity event he said words to the effect, “Don, you don’t want me to be the Chairman, it will just give the media a chance to do a another number on me.” Now, years later “my old but still younger friend (of over fifty years), Tim Yenmor” aka: The Honorable W. Mitt Romney has been criticized heavily and likely lost the election in part because of his accurate and honest reference to “47%” of our populace not likely to vote for him because of their dependence on federal assistance programs that will need to be cut back or eliminated to save the nation from going over the fiscal cliff! In George Romney’s case his Republican, Democrat or media critics for the most part never acknowledged their error, apologized to him, nor went out of their way to set the record straight once the truth was known. But one liberal, Democrat, journalist did the honorable thing a few weeks after the Romney comment trying to set the record straight. In the spring of 2007 I had an opportunity to meet and spend a few hours with a Pulitzer Prize winning author, journalist and historian who was a Vietnam War correspondent. After a couple hours of listening to and briefly questioning the now late New York Times reporter David Halberstam, I mentioned the Romney Vietnam-brainwashing comment and he said, “Oh, let me tell you an interesting story.” He said, “My friend Bobby Kennedy was one of those who criticized George Romney at every opportunity back then. Every time he got in front of a microphone or camera he was critical of those foolish Vietnam comments. So I called him and said, ‘Bobby you should lay off George Romney or it will backfire on you. He is a good, decent and honest fellow and his comments about Vietnam are absolutely correct! The government has been brainwashing America contrary to the true state of affairs in Vietnam! From that phone conversation onward, Bobby Kennedy never again mentioned George Romney or his comments.” America was the biggest loser in both of those absolutely correct but unfairly criticized Romney statements! I ask you Mr. & Mrs. America, when will you wake up? I am thoroughly disgusted with these displays of our society, media and political ignorance! Even with the November 6th disappointment I suggest you should STAY TUNED as I will soon be reporting a Benghazi story with NEW evidence from right out of the White House!
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 02:26:43 +0000

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