Dont Negotiate with Evil, Contend You shall win: I have a book - TopicsExpress


Dont Negotiate with Evil, Contend You shall win: I have a book titled The Beautiful side of Evil. Evil is inevitable passage and opportunity for Gods ruler ship, authority and sovereignty to be establish on earth thru regenerated Christian Believer to overcome evil with good. My Pastor David Ibiyeomie said life will not give u what u desire. Life will only give u what u contend for. For d ravaging Boko Haram and whatever evil that is contending, resisting ur authority, well being, prosperity, job placement, marriage, God anoint us to cut off evil in d land. He said contend for the faith (Jude 3 cp. 1 Tim. 6:12, 2 Chron. 22:7). But the lord turns his face against those who do evil; he will erase their memory from the earth. The lord hears his people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles. The lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed. The righteous person faces many troubles, but the lord comes to the rescue each time. (Psalms 34:16-19 NLT). God will not doing anything to that problem, challenge that is undermine ur well being until u take a stand with God to resist evil, fight that evil in d power of d Holy Spirit and in d name of Jesus Christ. Dont give up. D end has come of whatever that undermines ur well being. How do u contend, fight and resist evil. 1. Give ur life to Jesus Christ d author and finisher of ur faith(Heb. 12:1-3, Rom. 13:11-14). 2. Put on Gods Armour of Faith, Salvation, Gospel, contend using d word of God in prayer and be steadfast ..never give place to d devil(Eph. 6:10-18 cp 4:27). 3. Declare what u want to see in ur life...create d future u desire(Rom. 10:8-10, 2Cor. 4:13,Heb. 11:1-3). 4. Live right...overcome evil with good, dont keep malice, offense or unforgiving ness live at peace with every person. Love people and help people. U will see ur enemies defeated before ur eyes(Rom. 12:9-21). With God on ur side u shall prevail. Oh, please help us against our enemies, for all human help is useless. With God’s help we will do mighty things, for he will trample down our foes. (Psalms 60:11, 12 NLT). This weekend u will triumph over ur enemies, d Boko haram in ur life...whatever that resist ur well being. Hear what God said and did to give u victory:And you who were dead in trespasses and in the uncircumcision of your flesh (your sensuality, your sinful carnal nature), [God] brought to life together with [Christ], having [freely] forgiven us all our transgressions, Having cancelled and blotted out and wiped away the handwriting of the note (bond) with its legal decrees and demands which was in force and stood against us (hostile to us). This [note with its regulations, decrees, and demands] He set aside and cleared completely out of our way by nailing it to [His] cross. [God] disarmed the principalities and powers that were ranged against us and made a bold display and public example of them, in triumphing over them in Him and in it [the cross]. (Colossians 2:13-15 AMP). Have funfill celebration and joyous weekend. U are loved and appreciated.
Posted on: Sat, 17 May 2014 09:25:34 +0000

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