Dont call all the people in uniform, or even some veterans heroes. - TopicsExpress


Dont call all the people in uniform, or even some veterans heroes. There is one that is panhandling for monies so as to take his wife to see ole Dubya Bush. Both seemingly lacking in integrity, self sufficiency, without tact and having no bearing, or honor. Just because a man claims to be a wounded warrior and this so called Senior Airman tonguing this icon of brokenness for those who were left behind and forgotten by our government then, in the day of its creation. There is a lot in what I just said. First, the panhandler asking for monies, all dolled up in wounded warrior tee shirt, and hat. He holds a sign that says something to the affect of---- help me to take my wife to see George Bush in 20-14.---- I find his request as simpleton impetuousness, a mere sign of ignorance and asininity. I say, save your own monies and take your wife to see your heroes, lame lackey...! For it was ole New World Order Progressive RINO Bush that has gotten this panhandlers comrades of arms all blown to hell, maimed, dismantled and damaged. And yet he wants us to pay for his wifes fantasy of taking the missus to see Dubya? Oh, what wholesomeness and goodness does 9-11 Jockey and War Criminal Bush have to do with the rest of us in America? Piss on that! And piss on you and your wife pal...! Must have gotten shell fragments in the head, for this wounded dude is seriously lame brained and lacking. Hero? Nah, just another zero! The Air Force huh? It actually has a non commissioned officer tonguing in iconic and revered image? An icon created because of returning veteran battle hardened dissident veterans returning back home. Such Marines and Army soldiers coming back from Vietnam thought that their fellow brothers at arms who were left in Southeast Aisa were treated unjustly. Feeling that they were betrayed by their lackey laden officer corps. Well, we all know that story. Remember that the enlisted men often fragged their officers who were lacking in leadership. (Fragged means visit them with a fragmentation grenade in the losers sleeping quarters). And because those veterans of the Vietnam Era were not given hero status, and they got no ticker tape parade upon returning, for the Socialist media made them out to be villains and dishonorable men, we in modern day America go overboard in showing our appreciation for our men and women in the present day uniform services. But let us make no mistake let us discern between what is honorable, and what is disgusting. And this piece of crap in Air Force uniform is disgusting. Who are those worthy of the praise and accolades? Well,l those who deserve praise and accolades, that is simple. Either one serves honorably or one does NOT serve honorably. Again, quite simple. Are there not some who are rotgut ignorant leeches who find it easier to exist in a controlled military environment, because they can NOT do anything else in the real world? Well, of course. And this Air Force E-4 is a disgrace to all of America. This shows what type of inward leader and what kind of quality leader she is. And she is neither a leader, nor has she quality leadership training. She is no more than a freak. (Not one in the Ebonic dialect) Make no qualm she is apparently a ghetto product in the mental department. A freak in the sense of being an idiot. Once again we see a betrayal of the American government towards the men and women in harms way. They are dying due to Rules of Engagement anomalies. It would be good if all of the soldiers and Marines bearing arms in the occupied countries of Iraq and Afghanistan who have gotten absurd engagement orders, such orders that DO NOT ALLOW THEM TO RETURN FIRE, such as NOT being allowed to return fire upon, or even have ammo, those under such orders might consider to simply turn their rifles in at the armory. And such under idiotic restraints need to merely walk around with a few rocks from the native countryside, and a paper pad with a lot of strong language on it to fight off their enemies. And when under fire, they then can all stand up and throw rocks and show the enemy the strong language and thus win the battles for Obama-Soetoro and his predecessor Georgie Dubya... We live in a perverse time. But make no mistake. We have heroes in uniform and then there are a lot of zeroes in uniform. These are strange and promiscuous and dangerous times and days to be alive in. These are evil times and, yet, there are a lot of good righteous people living in this the Days of Sodom and Gomorrah, or the Modern Times as of Noah, those who are taking the stand against evil and idiocy... This picture of a non commissioned officer is a reminder that all who wear the uniform are NOT all serving America with honor, tact, judgment, faith, enthusiasm, bearing, discipline, and other traits of leadership. More so, rather, but, they serve their own idiocy and a leeching convenience. And I bet she votes Jackass too. Ha! Go figure... Make no qualms though NOT all who serve are worthy of the opportunity of serving. Tongue that freak!
Posted on: Sat, 15 Feb 2014 05:41:10 +0000

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