Dont call them Republicans, thats politically incorrect.. the - TopicsExpress


Dont call them Republicans, thats politically incorrect.. the politically correct term is FASCIST AMERICAN TRAITORS...what they really are! These are NOT REAL Republicans and TRUE patriots FOR a democratic state/republic...these are dangerous, evil corrupt, pathological lying, DECEITFUL, VIOLENT, sociopathic/psychopathic, regressive, oppressive, suppressive, depressive, unevolved, unenlightened, un-American, un-Christian, un-compassionate, un-empathetic, un-caring FASCIST AMERICAN TRAITORS/AMERICAN MAFIA/DOMESTIC TERRORISTS, per Harry Reid, PHONY patriots as they goosestep around with their PHONY patriotism,really NATIONALISM with their PHONY red and blue ties and little hypocritical American flag pins, PHONY Republicans and PHONY raging HYPOCRITICAL UBER SELFISH AND GREEDY FOR MONEY AND POWER ONLY , protectors of the one percent wealthy oligarchy Christian Right/REICH FASCIST AMERICAN TRAITORS who are trying to re-write American history and have destroyed this once upon a time great democratic republic as we have known it since 1776 via FASCIST TREASONOUS Citizens United, a HUGE misnomer like the word Republican is! Time to call them out for who and what they truly are...time for the top Dems to do the same as well!! AND as far as these insane FASCIST AMERICAN TRAITORS always trying to impeach one of our guys like Clinton and now Obama...theyre just trying to get even with the Dems for almost impeaching their other real god they worship and emulate other than FASCIST Reagan and FASCIST HITLER...FASCIST MOB connected TRICKY DICK NIXON, that other murderer and assassinating FASCIST via the MOB/CIA/FBI who was FORCED to resign because of WATERGATE...that was a HUGE embarrassment for them and they never got over it....and are just holding a 40 year BIG FAT GRUDGE~ REMEMBER, theyre just as TRICKY as TRICKY DICK i.e. BENGHAZIGATE/MONICAGATE, THEIR two dirty rotten evil TRICKS to try and discredit the Clintons, two stolen elections i.e. FRAUDULENT ELECTIONS are another sign of dangerous FASCISM/AMERICAN FASCISM that we were forewarned about by our very own Democratic party in the 1930s and. 9/11...Marcus Bush was in charge of the security of the WTC on 9/11 and those were Saudi terrorists on 9/11..NOT Iraqui ones and this dangerous evil corrupt, pathological lying, DECEITFUL, sociopathic/psychoapthic etc FASCIST BUSH DYNASTY has had very close ties with the Saudis and the oil ever since the 1930s and still do ...but not one word about this dangerous evil corrupt AMERICAN FASCISM we were forewarned about in the 1930s by the top Dems today who dont call them the FASCISTS/AMERICAN FASCISTS they were also called in the 1930s and 40s by the Dems and not much about all this TREASON going on, they only barely elude to it...go figure and theyre just as vengeful, just as GREEDY and HUNGRY for POWER, and just as much poor losers as ole TRICKY DICK NIXON ...but this is who and what the AMURIKKKAN SHEEPLE vote for all the time into power...the dumbing down of AMURIKKKA is here as they continue to be CONNED TO DEATH by these real WOLVES IN SHEEPS CLOTHING, and real CON ARTISTS/BULLSHIT ARTISTS...this last election was living proof of THAT!!!
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 01:42:56 +0000

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