Dont do anything hitler required in the past Support the - TopicsExpress


Dont do anything hitler required in the past Support the second and flood their boxes with your ideas suggestions advice and values! I say Get it OUT!! Just told White House!! You could too! How about telling the big shots that!!!??? !!!??? Tell them no! Get it OUT!!!! Better let them know NO to amnesty and no to immigration reform! Before they screw us again No to TPP and No to NDAA!!! Call WH before 5 Tell them no to amnesty/ quit grabbing guns/ get the fluoride out of the water/ get GMOs out and common core is so stupid! I call daily on this crap I call these people in power daily and leave my wisdom; I encourage you to too Boehner- press 1 at each number: 1-202-225-0600 and 1-202-225-6205 leave about a 2.5/ 3 min message. Dan Maffei- 1-202-225-3701 I tell him to make sure o works with Congress instead of signing exec orders! And WH til 5 weekdays 1-202-456-1111. And Capitol senators- good luck for the NY ones since they make themselves extra scarce!! 1-202-224-3121 I say NO to: Amnesty/ S744/ immigration reform/ conservative immigration reform/ gang of 8/ bill of 8 Defeat the amnesty bill/ TPP bill/ NDAA (indefinite detention bill) Get rid of Common Core!! Get the Fluoride out (it is a carcinogen)! Get the GMOs out (toxic)! Label them in the meantime!! No new gun laws/ No changes to the constitution/ No signing one executive order after another... Work with Congress!!! Pass the Glass Steagall Act { house resolution 129} and house resolution 36 investigates Benghazi if and when passed! Oppose resolution 15 - KEEP TERM LIMITS!!! Keep American laws in American courts- NO muslim sharia law! And obamocare should not be a mandate!
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 13:31:30 +0000

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