Dont skip the warm-up! I always enjoy when I wake up to an - TopicsExpress


Dont skip the warm-up! I always enjoy when I wake up to an email from Sean Flanagan Health, Fitness, and Nutrition. Hes refreshing, to the point, and often presents things in ways I hadnt really thought about. Needless to say, today was a good example of that. He presented the question that we all ask on those days we arent really feeling it with respect to our workout - Should I skip it, or not?. Ill let you read the rest, in his words: So how do you know if it’s time to just ‘pack it in’ and just do some slow walking (or even just go to bed, period)? As usual, I have a super complicated high tech way of figuring this out. You warm up. If 10 minutes into your warm-up, you feel great – and you usually will – then you proceed to kick ass. If after your warm-up, you feel just as dull as when you got there, then it’s time to take it easy. Your nervous system will tell you if things are going to get better or not. And if not, hey, at least you got some movement in. What do I recommend for a warm-up? Baseline I suggest some foam rolling, activation work such as low load glute and ab exercises, and some mobility drills. You can throw in a little bit of cardio if you need to create a little bit more of a rise in your body temp. Again, you’ll generally find that a good warm-up will make you feel like a million bucks and you’ll be chomping at the bit to put in more work. But every once in a while, your body won’t be feeling it. And it’s totally fine at that point to call it a day or take it easy. Of course, you should also take inventory and figure out what factors that are in your control that compromised your energy in the first place. Skipping 3 workouts per week because you like watching 2am infomercials is probably not an acceptable scenario. See what I mean? Pretty simple but well said. So if you are asking this question today, dont over-think it! Just warm up! (and check out Seans FB page too!) :)
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 12:51:04 +0000

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