Don’t Dare Quit! GODS Turning It Around: For years, God has - TopicsExpress


Don’t Dare Quit! GODS Turning It Around: For years, God has spoken to me through dreams. Very often, I see things in my sleep that actually manifest in real life. At other times, there is simply a lesson God wants me to draw from the dream’s interpretation to help me in my spiritual walk. Well, I had a dream a while ago. In it, there was this woman running a cross country race, but she was new to the sport and just couldnt sprint as quickly as the other athletes. When the gunshot was fired, everyone would take off, but no sooner than the race began, she would be left behind by all the faster, stronger, more experienced runners. This cycle would continue with each race she ran. Even still, this newcomer in my dream didnt give up, despite being left in the dust over and over again. After being unsuccessful at six races in a row, I saw her running a brand new race—the seventh one. On the seventh time, when she ran around that track, something different happened. She began gaining tremendous speed and momentum. Eventually, she ran so fast that the movement of her legs seemed only a blur! She surpassed every single person out on that field. “Wow!” I said to myself, amazed as I watched her blaze around the track at warp speed, blowing past formidable opponents. I remembered how slow—really slow—she had been in the other six races, at least compared to the other runners. But on the seventh time around, the defeated one was suddenly unbeatable. Because she didn’t quit, things turned around in her favor. As you know, biblically, the number seven symbolizes spiritual perfection, completion, or fullness. So the message for you today is, if you don’t give up, God will complete His work in your life and bring things full circle. I don’t care how many times you’ve lost; how bad it looks; how long it’s been; how many opportunities you’ve missed; how many doors have closed in your face; or the number of races you’ve lost in a row. If you don’t throw in the towel, God is going to turn things around in your favor. Just like that woman in my dream, if you continue your race, victory is yours indeed. In this race called life, I know it’s not easy when you experience disappointment after disappointment. Sometimes, for years, life feels all messed up. Your finances are out of sorts; relationships are torn up; your career seems stalled; the business isn’t growing; your situation doesn’t seem to get any better. You pray, cry, praise, believe, work, and do everything you know how and still, nothing seems to happen. Why? My friend, God is building up perseverance in you. He’s showing you that if you can believe Him in the bad times and remain loyal, the good times will come. So don’t allow feelings of frustration and despair to overtake you. Hang in there. Dont dare quit! To help you keep realize that God is building up your endurance as he prepares you for the greater things yet to come, I’m stirring Romans 5:4 ESV into your cup of inspiration. It says, “And endurance produces character, and character produces hope. When you drink down the contents of your cup, you’ll be reminded that, if you just keep on running, God will give you the strength, favor and power to win your race. He’s turning it around. Just, whatever you do, don’t stop.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 22:13:52 +0000

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