Don’t ever rent to family. And this is why. My son Nick - TopicsExpress


Don’t ever rent to family. And this is why. My son Nick and his girl friend Bridget moved out of my parents’ house last October. And because they had a new place and a baby on the way we gave them time to clean and get their stuff out. We even waived the last months rent. Jean and I didn’t go over there mostly because we didn’t want to get mad at them. In May we finally went inside to look. This is what we found after Nick and Bridget left my parents house and their cleaning for 7 months. Photos in upload order. Bridget said “sorry” when we asked her about it. No offers to repair it or pay for some else to repair it. Just sorry like our time and labor doesn’t matter. The upstairs medicine cabinet. And yes that pink box on the left is full of USED pregnancy tests! Yes, tests because there is more then one in the box. She couldn’t bear to throw them away after using them. A total of four. Floor damage This stove is only a couple years old. Picture makes it look a lot cleaner than it was. Jean cleaned for another two hours after they left on the stovetop. The oven is still flithy. The basement. They saved used limit filters for future reference. And they collected all the empty laundry and fabric softener containers because they thought they were cute. Water damage from growing plants inside. There is also water damaged on the floor in the master bedroom from not leveling the air conditioning unit. No respect for other peoples property. Those stains are urine, it smelled awful. The linoleum was sticky with urine. Nasty. We did take off old 78 records that had been pissed on and a box of old reel to reel audio tapes that was falling apart because of urine on it before taking the picture. Looks like they were letting Joss play in the attic with the unfinished wood and old insulation. And that was after cleaning for 7 months! And it still wasn’t clean enough to pass child protection laws! I shouldn’t be mad about it? What did it look like before they moved out? My brother was supposed to keep an eye on the cleanliness and he admits that he didn’t look too hard. If I would have known I would have called child protection on them and they would have lost Joss. They made the place a garbage house. What loving son would do that to his parents’ house? How could they make Jossalyn live in such filth? Several people I know have rental property told me you have to write them a letter, give them a firm clean by date and tell them you’re going to charge them if it goes past that date. This was after they chewed on me for letting it go so long. I have to admit they were right and I should have put my foot down sooner. So, my brother and I, with large input from my sister, wrote them a letter stating they had 2 weeks to finish cleaning and repairing damage or we’ll charge them. They got mad because we had set a time limit and were going to charge them if they did their usual and blow us off. So, because we wanted them to clean up their own mess and repair the damages, or pay for someone else to do it, we can’t see Joss or Remy because Bridget can’t “trust us” with them. She seemed to be fine with us the 10 months we did daycare for her. They even wanted us to take Joss on a trip out of state. But we can’t be trusted if we want them to clean up their own mess in a timely manner or pay for our labor to do it for them. What loving son could agree with that? And what sort of loving parents are they if they do that to their own parents? They also won’t pay the last 3 months on the cellphone contract because of it too. I’m still missing the connection there. We talked to some counselors about it and all three of the counselors said to let it go and she isn’t worth it. And to write Nick and Joss letters, but to not mention Bridget because she left a note that ended with “have a nice life” so she’s out of it. But my son is still my son and she doesn’t have the authority to tell me not to communicate with him. This all happened in May and that worked until we heard that Bridget post a picture on Facebook– Bridget blocked us on Facebook - about how we broke some things we sent them before packaging. That hurt! We had sent them so he could show Remy the stuff he did when he gets older like my parents did with me. We carefully wrapped things in bubble wrap. Nothing was broken when we sent it. They never told us about it getting broken even when we saw them. But, has always been Nick a pathological liar and it fits how he treats us. That is just plain hateful, hurtful and mean. Bridget isn’t any better. They need help to get over this, and I hope they get the help they need. Why do they have to always be so mean to us? Well Eva answered that when she said; “what did you expect? Nick has always been a lying, manipulative asshat” Looking back on all the mental abuse Nick has put us through over the years with his lies and deeds I realize that he never loved me or his mother. Makes me wonder what other lies they have been telling about us? With them it’s always been a one way street, we give, they take. I don’t want to live just to be used as toilet paper for Nick and Bridget. They need help to get over this, and I hope they get the help they need. Don’t ever rent to family. And this is why. My son Nick and his girl friend Bridget moved out of my parents’ house last October. And because they had a new place and a baby on the way we gave them time to clean and get their stuff out. We even waived the last months rent. Jean and I didn’t go over there mostly because we didn’t want to get mad at them. In May we finally went inside to look. This is what we found after Nick and Bridget left my parents house and their cleaning for 7 months. The upstairs medicine cabinet. And yes that pink box on the left is full of USED pregnancy tests! Yes, tests because there is more then one in the box. She couldn’t bear to throw them away after using them. A total of four. Floor damage This stove is only a couple years old. Picture makes it look a lot cleaner than it was. Jean cleaned for another two hours after they left on the stovetop. The oven is still flithy. The basement. They saved used limit filters for future reference. And they collected all the empty laundry and fabric softener containers because they thought they were cute. Water damage from growing plants inside. There is also water damaged on the floor in the master bedroom from not leveling the air conditioning unit. No respect for other peoples property. Those stains are urine, it smelled awful. The linoleum was sticky with urine. Nasty. We did take off old 78 records that had been pissed on and a box of old reel to reel audio tapes that was falling apart because of urine on it. Looks like they were letting Joss play in the attic with the unfinished wood and old insulation. And that was after cleaning for 7 months! And it still wasn’t clean enough to pass child protection laws! I shouldn’t be mad about it? What did it look like before they moved out? My brother was supposed to keep an eye on the cleanliness and he admits that he didn’t look too hard. If I would have known I would have called child protection on them and they would have lost Joss. They made the place a garbage house. What loving son would do that to his parents’ house? How could they make Jossalyn live in such filth? Several people I know have rental property told me you have to write them a letter, give them a firm clean by date and tell them you’re going to charge them if it goes past that date. This was after they chewed on me for letting it go so long. I have to admit they were right and I should have put my foot down sooner. So, my brother and I, with large input from my sister, wrote them a letter stating they had 2 weeks to finish cleaning and repairing damage or we’ll charge them. They got mad because we had set a time limit and were going to charge them if they did their usual and blow us off. So, because we wanted them to clean up their own mess and repair the damages, or pay for someone else to do it, we can’t see Joss or Remy because Bridget can’t “trust us” with them. She seemed to be fine with us the 10 months we did daycare for her. They even wanted us to take Joss on a trip out of state. But we can’t be trusted if we want them to clean up their own mess in a timely manner or pay for our labor to do it for them. What loving son could agree with that? And what sort of loving parents are they if they do that to their own parents? They also won’t pay the last 3 months on the cellphone contract because of it too. I’m still missing the connection there. We talked to some counselors about it and all three of the counselors said to let it go and she isn’t worth it. And to write Nick and Joss letters, but to not mention Bridget because she left a note that ended with “have a nice life” so she’s out of it. But my son is still my son and she doesn’t have the authority to tell me not to communicate with him. This all happened in May and that worked until we heard that Bridget post a picture on Facebook– Bridget blocked us on Facebook - about how we broke some things we sent them before packaging. That hurt! We had sent them so he could show Remy the stuff he did when he gets older like my parents did with me. We carefully wrapped things in bubble wrap. Nothing was broken when we sent it. They never told us about it getting broken even when we saw them. But, has always been Nick a pathological liar and it fits how he treats us. That is just plain hateful, hurtful and mean. Bridget isn’t any better. They need help to get over this, and I hope they get the help they need. Why do they have to always be so mean to us? Well Eva answered that when she said; “what did you expect? Nick has always been a lying, manipulative asshat” Looking back on all the mental abuse Nick has put us through over the years with his lies and deeds I realize that he never loved me or his mother. Makes me wonder what other lies they have been telling about us? With them it’s always been a one way street, we give, they take. I don’t want to live just to be used as toilet paper for Nick and Bridget. They need help to get over this, and I hope they get the help they need.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 16:17:03 +0000

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