Don’t shoot the messenger The Daily Mail - TopicsExpress


Don’t shoot the messenger The Daily Mail Desperate people resort to desperate measures. Now, while shooting the bailiff isn’t the way forward, you owe it to yourself to make a stand and/or support those others who do. As the bedroom tax begins to kick in, unless we all get together (I am not affected by the bedroom tax) then there are going to be more and more incidents of this type. Unity is the answer. *I am appearing on the Mike Devlin pod-cast at 10AM this morning Bailiff in serious condition and female colleague injured after they were both shot as they tried to evict a tenant Bailiff, in his 60s, and woman, 59, suffered gunshot wounds at property in Brixton, south London this morning Both are in serious but stable condition, Met Police said Man arrested was unarmed but police later found gun at the address By NICK ENOCH PUBLISHED: 15:53, 3 July 2013 | UPDATED: 20:03, 3 July 2013 A bailiff and his female colleague were shot in south London today while they tried to evict a housing association tenant with rent arrears. The man, in his 60s, who works for the Metropolitan Housing Association, was wounded this morning as he attempted to make the eviction at a flat in Brixton. He was accompanied by two female workers. One of them, a 59-year-old woman, was also injured when the tenant – named locally as Andrew Stephenson, who is registered as living at the house – allegedly opened fire at the property in Strathleven Road. Scroll down for video A bailiff in his 60s, who works for the Metropolitan Housing Association, was fired at this morning as he attempted to make the eviction at a flat in Strathleven Road in Brixton, south London. A female colleague, 59, was also injured The housing workers are in hospital in a serious but stable condition, the Metropolitan Police said. Their injuries are not thought to be life-threatening. Forensics searches are being carried out at the scene today Forensic police officers search the scene on Strathleven Road in Brixton today The bailiff and income officer are in hospital in a serious but stable condition, the Metropolitan Police said. Their injuries are not thought to be life-threatening. The other woman escaped uninjured. Police were called at around 9.50am and armed officers were sent to the scene, where they forced entry into the suspected gunman’s home. More… Injured patients taken to hospital in POLICE CARS because ambulances are taking too long following service cuts He was found to be unarmed, but a gun was later discovered. The man was arrested and taken into custody at a police station in south London. It has not been confirmed how much money the man owed, who else lived at the property or how long he had been a tenant. VIDEO: Moment alleged shooter is arrested by police A man was arrested and taken into custody at a police station in south London. He was unarmed. A gun was later found at the address Cries of ‘help me’ were heard by neighbours shortly after the shooting, while one of the alleged victims sought shelter in another house. A woman who lives on the same road, and wished not to be named, also reported seeing another neighbour trying to coax the alleged gunman out during a police stand-off. She said: ‘It was about 9.30, I was watching Crimewatch and had gone into the back garden and I heard a popping noise and someone shouting “help me”. ‘I thought it was the TV, it just didn’t seem loud enough to be gunshots, so I ignored it. I didn’t realise what had happened until the air ambulance arrived.’ The woman in her mid-thirties added: ‘I did see one woman who took shelter in the house across the road, but then she came out with a bandaged knee. She was a middle-aged black woman,’ said the neighbour. ‘I have seen the guy around, but don’t know him. The police came in pretty heavy handed with guns and they were keeping everyone back, even the ambulances. ‘He didn’t come out at first, it was quite a stand-off, and then they just dragged him out. It has not been confirmed how much money the man owed, who else lived at the property or how long he had been a tenant ‘Even though they told her not to, one of the neighbours from across the road obviously knows him, she came out and tried to convince him to give himself up. ‘She was shouting across the road.’ A spokesman for Metropolitan Housing Association said: ‘We can confirm that a male bailiff working on behalf of Metropolitan Housing and a female collection officer have been injured trying to evict a tenant today. ‘The bailiff was shot in the leg and is serious condition although thankfully it is not life-threatening. ‘He was accompanied by two housing officers, both female, one of whom has also suffered an injury. ‘We do not know at this stage how she came by her injury. It may be she was shot, it may be that the bullet ricochet off the bailiff and on to her. We don’t know. ‘The man was being evicted from the property because he owed money in rent arrears. It is not clear yet how much that is. ‘Nobody enjoys being evicted but thankfully it is very rare that someone pulls a gun out. We don’t know at this stage if there was an argument or whether the tenant became agitated. ‘We also cannot say if the man lived in the property alone or not. We are working with police to get to the bottom of what happened.’ Forensic police officers search the scene on Strathleven Road in Brixton where two people were shot and injured Police were called at around 9.50am and armed officers were sent to the scene, where they forced entry into the suspected gunman’s home. Above, police evidence can still be seen in the street A spokesman for London Ambulance Service said: ‘We sent a responder in a car, two ambulance crews, London Air Ambulance and an officer. ‘Staff treated two patients, a man reported to be in his 60s and a 59-year-old woman. They were both treated for gunshot wounds and taken as priorities to hospital. ‘The woman was escorted by a doctor from the air ambulance.’ The pair were both conscious when they were taken to hospital, she said. An eyewitness described how she saw the wounded woman being carried into the ambulance as armed police cordoned off the street. The woman, who wished to remain anonymous, said: ‘I realised something was happening when I heard a helicopter overhead. ‘Looking outside, I saw armed policemen and saw a woman being put in an ambulance, although they weren’t in a big rush to take her away. Before forensics teams arrived witnesses described seeing armed police swarming around the house ‘There were policemen with the big machine guns. I heard them shouting “Put your hands in the air” at someone round the corner. I couldn’t see who they were shouting at, but they were hiding, crouched, behind one of the houses, ‘That’s when I went back into my house because I was terrified.’ The woman added that she had spotted the victims as she walked down Strathleven Road earlier in the morning. She said: ‘I was walking to the doctors at around ten past nine when I noticed three people trying to get into a house. ‘I didn’t think they were trying to break in as they were stood around looking relaxed. ‘I thought at the time that they had maybe been locked out as the man at the door looked like a locksmith. ‘The woman was mixed race and was casually dressed in khaki trousers and the man was white, smartly dressed without a tie – he looked a bit older. ‘They were still there when I was on my way back from the doctors around half an hour later when I noticed that two of them were carrying papers. ‘It looked like it could have been an eviction and the woman made a comment about a smell coming from the house. ‘I thought nothing of it and went home, but then I heard the helicopter.’ Another local resident said: ‘The first we knew was when police arrived and ran past our front door. ‘Then we saw them arrest a white guy in the middle of the road.’ Video courtesy of the London Evening Standard Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook July 04, 2013 at 07:13AM
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 07:11:58 +0000

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