Dr. Ben Carson, Col Allen West, the National Debt and - TopicsExpress


Dr. Ben Carson, Col Allen West, the National Debt and "Obamacare" Prior to the past two Presidential elections I have commented strongly about the Democrats and Republicans FAILURE to present a good selection for the office of the President of the United States. In my book promises by the current President rate a grading factor Failure. No other “party” sufficiently promoted a viable candidate in the last election. Citizens eligible to vote in the last two Presidential elections didn’t – you ARE part of the problem. Various threats of impeaching Obama have faded away. The current Department of Justice Attorney General (Holder) was placed in position by Obama making it unlikely that any impeachment would be successful. Obamas appointments and Executive Orders should be strongly challenged. If Obama were to be impeached YOU should demand a new Presidential election instead of permitting the Vice President to default to the position of President. There are two people that I suggest to the Tea Party to pursue vigorously RIGHT NOW as the next President and Vice President: Dr. Ben Carson and Col Allen West. Both the Democrats and Republicans might take real notice to their future financial security.. In these times of financial stress impacting every area of American life and failure to create a realistic approach to the national budget I question if our republic will still exist by the end of the current Presidents administration. Each of us has a responsibility to ourselves, our family and our country to DEMAND our elected officials take immediate attention to address a logical and realistic plan to balance the national budget – we should make it clear that failing to do so will result in the loss of their positions – and create a method to change their lifetime benefits after they leave office. Our current time has many people out of work and employers not hiring making a lack of income to individuals and families the way of life that only increases – why should our politicians be treated differently? The National Debt itself should be THE major concern for all our elected officials. Secondly “Obamacare” MUST BE DEFUNDED THIS YEAR (2013). Look at the National Debt(ND) for the current and last three presidents (also note their length of office) : George Bush (senior) served four four years– the ND is reported to have been $4,177,009,000,000.00 Bill Cinton served for eight years– the ND is reported to have been $5,662,216,013,697.00 Bush (junior) served for eight years– the ND is reported to have been $10,699,804,864,612.00 …this is Obamas fifth year as President and the ND at the time of this writing is $16,874,740,000,000.00 (I stopped at the hundreds of thousands mark as these values continue to rise within SECONDS) Check the figures for yourself at these pages: skymachines/US-National-Debt-Per-Capita-Percent-of-GDP-and-by-Presidental-Term.htm usdebtclock.org/ Obama has insured people that follow him have been placed in key positions of Government. Some of those positions were made without the benefit of Capitol Hill and many have said they are illegal. So where is the justice in these positions? These positions are by the “will” of the President hence regardless about what the appointees may personally feel about making “proper” decisions they will support what their “boss” wants hence ensuring they stay in position for their lucrative pay checks.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 12:58:07 +0000

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