Draco/Hermione Friendship With a grumble Hermione shut another - TopicsExpress


Draco/Hermione Friendship With a grumble Hermione shut another book that lacked answers. She had thought that it would be fairly easy to find something on wizarding society. Apparently though if you are muggle-born you dont get the right to understand how they work. Either that or they expect you the instantly know everything from birth. All she had currently was a very drab book listing the families and which circles they ran historically and their different programs they started and ran. That was it, just a list of names in a little book with titles. For the first in a very long time, Hermione abused a book. She shoved the tiny book off the table in a huff and planted her head in her crossed arms. She wanted to know how they thought, how they worked. If she could figure out the thoughts she could try and change them, or at least force change and acceptance upon them if that failed. “The Wizarding Societal Listings? You realize that this is an out of date book written by an old codger that would likely keel over if he wasnt paying someone to make sure he stays alive dont you? Usually a bookworm like you uses more reliable sources than this rubbish.” She heard a familiar cocky voice droll. “What do you want Malfoy.” Hermione said muffled by the table and her arms. “Nothing but curiosity. Is there a reason you are trying to find things out on wizarding societies or are you just exhausting all the books Hogwarts has to offer?” He asked slightly sarcastic tossing the book back on the table before sitting down across from her casually. “If you must know I am trying to figure out how the pureblood society thinks so I can try to alter the general thoughts on muggleborns...or find a way to force them into acceptance. Though I doubt someone like you would actually care for my efforts.” Hermione said raising her head to look at him both tired and stubborn. He gave a dry grin before speaking, “Believe or not I dont have any issue with muggleborns.” He said letting out a bark of laughter at her unamused glare. “Really, couldnt care less. My issue is that my father has a reputation to uphold so that means so do I. That and you always make me take second place in all of our classes. That is dreadful on my fragile ego you know.” He said with a more genuine smile. Hermione stared at him for a moment, “Seriously?” She said getting a larger grin in response. “Yes, for once it seems I have more knowledge on a subject than you. I must say, it is a nice change not to be second to a Gryffindor in one topic.” He said kicking back the chair balancing on the back legs. “Okay...care to enlighten me then Malfoy?” She said at the hope of more knowledge. Draco looked at her quietly in contemplation for a moment before letting out a small sigh. “If I do we are not friends in public though if it is only us you can ask questions, understand? I am still calling you mudblood and being a general tyrant to you and your friends...who I dont like. At all. None of this expands to them, you found your knowledge in a secret book and that is it. Understand Granger?” He said coldly, which made Hermione grin due to the context of what he actually said with that tone. “I understand completely. Now hurry up if you dont want it found out that the Slytherin is talking calmly to the Gryffindor.” She said becoming eager to learn. Draco grabbed some parchment and a quill and slowly began etching out how the society functioned as their conversation faded to an exchange of information from two intellectuals forced to be pitted against each other by the same society Hermione wanted to change. I havent written these in ages so I hope this is up to par.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 02:54:27 +0000

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