Dragon Dragon 2013 2013 The Dragon is the yang to the Snakes - TopicsExpress


Dragon Dragon 2013 2013 The Dragon is the yang to the Snakes yin, so this is likely to be a fabulous year for you! Youre looking at one neutral, two unfavorable and a whopping nine favorable months. Nothing like getting off to a good start. The first five months of 2013 should be really good for you -- as long as you dont hold back. You may have been tempted to gamble too much last year, leaping before you looked. Snake is here to help you think before you take action. This greatly enhances your chances of success. And as a Wood sign, this Water year is extremely favorable for you. Seek wisdom from your inner self! Get a Free Spiritual Reading today. Call 1-800-615-8029 right now! Dragon and Snake make a powerful combination, and your 67 percent success rate this year indicates just that! Big thoughts are your thing, oh Dragon, and 2013 is a year to really explore the depths of your mind. If a new position is what you are after, go out and get it. Change is favored, whether its a new position or even a new location. Sometimes its best to keep it fresh, and theres no better time for you to move somewhere exotic than Year of the Water Snake. Enjoy the ride! What romantic adventures are in store for you? Get a Free Psychic Reading today. Call 1-800-615-8029 right now! Relationships Relationships Dont hold back this year, Dragon. The Snake likes to turn heads, and never let it be said that the Dragon isnt up to being the star of the show. You should have no problem attracting a crowd of potential mates in 2013. The problem will come in weeding out the few that you want to pay special attention to. Its definitely all about quality this year, not quantity. Youre incapable of being too picky this year. Choose wisely! You probably had a wild ride last year, and that trend continues. Put aside some time to relax in Year of the Snake. Dont stress yourself out, and make sure you get enough sleep. Dont let your mind race all night, no matter how excited you are. You could also have issues related to your blood, like high blood pressure or being low in iron. Get your checkups. Youve been going full steam ahead for some time. Make sure you didnt break anything along the way so you may enter 2013 fully in Expect good things from a financial perspective this year, Dragon. If you made investments in any precious metals. now is a good time to reap the rewards. Your creative juices will flow freely in Year of the Snake, so investing in a home remodel or anything that engages your keen eye will serve you well in 2013.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 13:49:32 +0000

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