Dreams: Just what are they? Greetings FB friends. So a few days - TopicsExpress


Dreams: Just what are they? Greetings FB friends. So a few days ago I had a dream (I won’t go into all of the details) but the dream involved TV rabbit ears, old style TV playing a wilderness scene, music I didn’t recognize, watermelon, watermelon seeds and how watermelon seeds can stain fresh laundry. Odd thing about my dreams (other than that they don’t always make sense) is that they are very vivid to me and most times (unless I’m having a lucid dream/I sometimes have those) I don’t comprehend I’m dreaming until I wake up. Anyway, back to the point. The very same morning I had the dream about watermelon, I was delightfully surprised to arrive at work to find that morning we had fresh seedless watermelon to eat. Now I know that was nothing more than pure coincidence and I’ve brushed it off as such. So this morning I’m having a dream where I’m heading a discussion to get urgently needed supplies to an area (not sure where) that has experienced some kind of disaster (not sure what type of disaster/natural or man-made). The area in question was badly incapacitated and there is no semblance of law enforcement or government. People are suffering and are subject to bandits who have seized control of the territory making for a very anarchistic and unpredictable place to land a support team. A young lady at the table (don’t know/never have seen her before) begins to talk about medical supplies and then she shifts the discussion to these special pills she calls a “super pill” that she feels should be included in the distribution as they have fish-oils, omega fatty acids and other immunity boosting properties. Of course I’m unfamiliar with the pills and I’m about to verbally interrupt her as I’m thinking, these folks need supplies (food/water/medical supplies and shelter) this is not the time to be focusing discussion “one” item of potential need. We need to focus on everything, and I need to develop a plan to securely install a safe location and I want to steer the discussion back on point. Before I can interrupt, another lady sitting at the table starts in on the discussion, and at first I’m pleased as for a second I thought she would bring the discussion back on point for me. However, instead of bringing the meeting back on point she also starts in championing the merits of how these super pills can and should be the most important supply included in the delivery. She goes on (much to my chagrin) on how our group can obtain the pills from a sole-source distributor so that they can be included into the mission. By this point I feel the meeting to get desperately needed aide has fallen so off course I need to interject and get it back on track so I hold my hand up and say “Hold up a minute; these people don’t immediately need a fish-oil supper pill. They need supplies and our solution to get them safely distributed and delivered” as soon as I make my point the first lady begins to tear up and continues on “these pills are wonderful and could be a solution. I think we need to include them in the shipment.” It’s now obvious to the entire table that she is visibly quite upset. The second lady (who supported the idea earlier) tries to comfort her and tells her. “Don’t be upset, you did fine. You outlined the benefits of the product perfectly there’s nothing to be upset about.” Then an older lady (closer to my age/whom I’ve never seen before) but is familiar to me in this dream as someone I know (her name is Nora) and she is someone I trust; interjects “Let’s table the discussion on including the super-pill for now. It is clearly a benefit that is just not understood. We can bring it on-board later.” I’m a little upset with Nora’s interjection as I don’t find supportive of me, but rather more supportive of this mystery pill, so I tap desk as say “Look I may not know everything, but what I do know is that these people need help and they need it now. I fail to understand how this one specific item, Ive never heard about, that is only available from one vender could be so important. If this item is such a miracle product, why is distribution of it limited, why is it such a secret and why can’t we obtain it from common distributors such as Target, GNC, Wal-Mart etc.?” Nora then turns to me and says with a scowl on her face “As stated, I recommend we table discussion for now.” The discussion on the super pill ends and then shortly thereafter so does the meeting. As the meeting is adjured, I look over to Nora and ask her to hold up. She looks back and says she has to get to the airport, so I tell her I’ll walk you to your car. While walking with her I’m holding a closed jar of Popsicle sticks. I ask Nora, what went on in there? Seems to me that there’s bit of a cult following for this super-pill. What gives? Nora looks at me and says, “I can’t discuss it now, I’ve got to go, but when you dismiss a young colleague’s valid point with a simple remark “That you can’t find this at Target or Wal-Mart; that’s unfair and very hurtful coming from you. I’ve got to go.” She gets in her car, speeds off as if she is mad. I’m left holding this jar of Popsicle sticks. I feel something touching my elbow; and I awake to see Yoda licking my elbow cause he has to pee outside. While I’m sitting in the chair by the patio waiting for Yoda to conclude his business, I hear the clock radio go off in the bedroom and I realize its 5:50 am and that my workday alarm is going off on Sunday. I sprint to the bedroom before the alarm wakes Lana and a radio infomercial is playing before the morning news. The infomercial is about (are you ready) Fish-oil vitamin pills. I kid you not. So what’s the chances that I’d have a dream about watermelon, and then the same day find watermelon delivered at work and then have a dream about a fish-oil super pill only to hear my alarm clock go off on a Sunday (I must have re-programmed my alarm clock after DLST change-over) playing an infomercial on fish-oil pills that I immediately silenced. Now if you don’t think that’s enough of an unlikely coincidence, my Aunt Maggie has a post on her Facebook page I just viewed just before posting this. How’s that for coincidence?
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 16:35:22 +0000

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