Dreamt of how they change everything and then give me a pill to - TopicsExpress


Dreamt of how they change everything and then give me a pill to forget within fifteen minutes. I dreamt of the beings that populate various star systems, changing genetic code to raise a new species. They hide behind various illusory masks, various identities, so they can watch and play with their creations as they wish. I dreamt that I kept waking up and fighting their dreams, they kept using energy to fold reality upon itself and I would be standing with other beings and thinking on how to awaken them from this madness. They do not have compassion, nor an ounce of humanity. Their sole purpose is scientific experimentation of various races throughout the cosmos. Put you in dream stasis and make you believe you are living a real life. Watch your brain activity and meddle where they can to ease the brain waves. They steal memories and keep them in cylindrical containers to harvest and collect to take back to the Mother Ship and reassess and readdress their next conquest. Their minds are complex and easily entered if undetected. I saw multitudes of beings, races being transmuted and transformed all in the name of their scientific experiment. I travelled back to through their past to the beginning weaves and I saw a people, not humanoid, but living in harmony with the planet they evolved from. Each carrying magical ability to alter time space and imagery of one another. DemiGods they would be called in later days and Gods in history books. They are still with us. Medication and plantations, dietary requirements and government denials. We as a species are awakening and they are not afraid, just curious to see the outcome. They have killed us before again and again, hence our ruins and various temples, our pyramids under the oceans, they change the land to suit their hand and then they delve deep into the human psyche seeking the key for the next species to manipulate. Thy are always looking for the X gene, a protein capable of being manipulated and put into a trance so the vessel can go through a life of various realities. Mind in deep comatose state. True mind that is. I dreamt I changed their world, one nano byte at a second, one memory I held on to before they could make me forget, I took various steps to alter their illusions and finally I came to a solution of putting them into stasis so our species could evolve peacefully without the incessant altering of mind and body they put us through daily. I just wish more of my species would awake now and embrace their global consciousness so we can fight together. My mind soul is tough, my body just weak. I will struggle on and know that I am one droplet in the ocean that has remembers its original design through sincere weave and intent. These beings lack love, understanding of it and the glands to exude this hormone chemical into their brains. They removed it long ago so as not to feel what they are doing, but just to do it with no consciousness or feeling. They wish to make man kind the same. I awaken now from deep sleep to see vivid imagery and feelings of probes that they do night and day on our species. My spirit is not old to their tactics that is why I have chosen this vessel and this path. I choose to alter their destined downfall of man and I choose to help brethren to remember their compassionate selves are not a bad aspect of a rational mind. Dont lose hope, dont fear, dont regress, in love and truth, your own you must stand, firm and true, roots dug deep into memory of Earth. She is here, just looks different from how they want us to perceive her.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 10:00:07 +0000

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