Dry, Oily, Or Acne Skin? Exfoliate! Exfoliating skin simply means - TopicsExpress


Dry, Oily, Or Acne Skin? Exfoliate! Exfoliating skin simply means that you’re removing dead, dry skin, toxins, pollutants and build up from the skin. Skin Anatomy Investigate skin at the cellular level and you will find that millions of skin cells are being made every day and begin at the basal, or deepest level. These cells divide and produce plump, new skin cells that will begin to move up through your skins layers with the help of collagen. Skin cells are constantly growing. living, dying and sloughing off to make way for new skin cells to emerge. This natural exfoliation process called desquamation, slows down after the age of 25 and continues to slow down dramatically by the age of 50. Therefore it is essential to find a way to rid the surface cells but in a safe, gentle and effective way. Whether you have dry, oily or acne skin, exfoliating will help to bring balance, radiance, and an overall healthier and more youthful appearance to your skin. Oily Skin Oily Skin In an oily skin condition, desquamation can be slowed as oily skin acts as a glue that holds dead skin cells to the surface. This can contribute to clogged follicles, leading to the build-up of acne bacteria which stimulates the production of breakouts. Typical scrubs for oily skin tend to be too harsh and can over dry or strip the skin of the good oils - which in turn causes the skin to produce even more oil. By exfoliating with the 2 Minute Miracle Gel you can gently remove the excess oil and debris from the pores, help to arrest the acne causing bacteria while also leaving the skin in balance. Acne SkinFor those with Acne prone skin, your skin may go through a short term transition of bringing impurities and oil to the surface as your skin begins to adjust to a healthier balance. Long term this exfoliation will help rid the skin of excess oil and dulling skin cells to help keep skin clear, vibrant and balanced. Dry Skin Dry SkinIn a dry skin condition, desquamation can be slowed down due to the lack of hydration in the cells. The protein that makes up collagen, needs moisture in order to keep the healthy process of desquamation going. Without hydration (along with oxygen and vitamins) this process slows down dramatically. Skin become flat, dry and tired looking. By keeping dry skin exfoliated with the 2 Minute Miracle Gel, you will help turn over the dead, dry surface cells while fueling the skin with hydration so it can produce collagen and healthy, plump cells. The benefit is that skin becomes smoother and silkier, while also allowing other treatment products to penetrate better. 2 Minute Miracle Gel Thats because exfoliating removes the surface layer of dead cells that can limit how much of your other treatment products gets through. Using the 2 Minute Miracle Gel every morning will keep your skin looking soft, smooth, balanced and blemish free. youtu.be/EL2K6GFa7Q4
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 03:34:46 +0000

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