Dublin Saysno · 931 like this. 6 hours ago near Dublin, Ireland - TopicsExpress


Dublin Saysno · 931 like this. 6 hours ago near Dublin, Ireland · Tim Howard We hear a lot lately about the Media and how they blackout the truth, disguise the realistic news and spin stories like the Rabbite being caught in the public gaze and how terrible it was for him to be set upon by a group of angry protestors. The media chose not to show us how the protestors said what they had to say and were then leaving the premises when a young activist was dragged from the place forcefully and brutally treated by police without arrest or reading of rights or how Pat rabbittes own companion who was sitting with him having dinner later said that the police were very wrong and what they did was illegal. I have spoke about this myself a few times on this site and personally I cannot understand why anyone would want to spend 4 years in college to obtain a degree and call themselves a journalist when really the only qualifications required is the ability to sign your name next to a story that has effectively been written by your superiors. Being a “Journalist” no longer carries the status it once did in the days of Bob Woodward and Carl Berstien who broke the Watergate scandal regardless of the fact that they were taking on the president of the United States. Constantly we hear on Facebook how the Media will not cover this or cover that and this was probably most evident when a man named Tony Rochford took on the Irish government and went on hunger strike and twenty five days later most people in Ireland had still not heard that this was happening right under their very noses. Instead our publicly funded tv station RTE decided to show stories on prince Williams baby and other irrelevant stories from around the world. We have 4 suicides a day in this country right now 4 people killing themselves as a result of financial pressure, families being torn apart and destroyed and yet it never makes the news. We have people sitting in A+E for days on trollies and upright chairs, we have children going to school hungry and cutbacks to mothers respite with children who have severe disabilities and none of it makes the news. How can we blame the people of Ireland for not rising up when they do not get to hear exactly what is happening here. However we are as bad as them, the media I mean, we have a choice and we choose to ignore it. We have our own media and a very powerful one at that. We do not need tv or radio or papers because we have social media and this is the most powerful form of media in existence today. The problem is many people join the various protest groups on face book and that’s as far as their commitment goes. They do not share they do not comment they simply read and then like which effectively does nothing. So many people I speak too do not want to share this stuff on their own FB pages for fear of their friends viewing them as activists or trouble makers and I’m sorry but it is simply not good enough. As I have said many times “your either part of the solution, or you are part of the problem” there is no middle ground especially in times like these. I mean the likes of that young man who campaigned tirelessy for the residents of Priory Hall a man called Fiacra Daly who fought for justice for people who bought sub standard homes in good faith during the boom and who later had to actually be evacuated from these homes because they were so dangerous. This man committed suicide recently and has been ignored and forgotten by our mainstream media. We have the power at our fingertips to make sure his story is told, to make sure that all of Ireland gets to hear about his tireless efforts to get justice. Are we really going to allow his death to be in vain simply because we are afraid what our friends may think of us are we really prepared to hear stories about how children are being sent to school with no food because we value our image and our vanity more than life itself. How many of us are even aware right now of the pressure on our spouses, I mean we all think it will not happen to us but it is happening to us four times a day at the moment. Imagine your husband or your wife or your brother or your sister just disappearing from your life right now forever because you were unaware of how much pressure they were under and then for the media to simply ignore their death and wash it away. Use your social media to its fullest extent, you tube, face book ,twitter and any other form of social media you may have. Talk to your friends even if its only to say oh my god it terrible what happened to that man or that woman or that child, guide them towards the stories so that they get the chance to see for themselves how these things are happening all around them but yet their tv station or their paper or their darlings of the airwaves like Joe Duffy or Ryan Turbridy ( both on wages in excess of 400,000 that’s four hundred thousand a year) just ignore the stories. Ring Joe and try and tell him how bad things are and watch him ignore your comment or letter in favour of a story about how bad the NCT is. Its your country but more importantly its your childrens country and right now we are allowing this government to pave the way for no benefits should they be hurt or injured, no healtcare worth talking about, no education worth talking about no and we are literally marching them into a dictatorship where one man Enda Kenny at the moment decides whats right for us and what is not regardless of the majority view. Share stories share this because it may well cross the eyes of someone who did not know all this is happening, it may well provoke someone into joining a protest group of their own and from their a march. Some will say water needs to be paid for, others will say we pay enough but the point is we should abide by the majority and not the minority. Lets learn to get active lets learn to get sharing and make your social media work for you .
Posted on: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 21:59:34 +0000

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