Due to recent revelations,actions and improper behavior of a tiny - TopicsExpress


Due to recent revelations,actions and improper behavior of a tiny minority of fake friends its rant time! Im sure a number of folks can relate so here goes... There is currently a serious epidemic of bad attitude sourpusses in the world whose loser mindset is: if youre successfully doing something professionally that they do as a hobby, you deserve whatever disrespect and snarky comments they can dish out and you are inherently guilty of the serious crime of being good at something and expecting to prosper from it. It goes along with the everything coming from a musician or small business should be free. Sorry to piss so many people off by growing quality peppers and making sauce that pleases so many people or for the crime of having a career that involves the enjoyment of music! Of course you could always do like I did and practice guitar 6 hrs. minimum per day, take 7 yrs. of music college, live on a tour bus for 5 yrs.,travel 7 hours per day then set up a fll range sound and light system then perform from 9pm to 2am, spend 300 days a year on the road, eat noodles and peanut butter or go hungry, take a major risk of an equipment loan with nothing but gig money to pay it off, visit home about 1 month total per year, almost never see your girlfriend yet not cheat on her, deal with a hundred cokehead club owners, cops and general haters, have crooked record labels steal your master recordings and refuse to release your music, get attacked by a white supremacist hate group and witness all sorts of crazed behavior by the public in bars,sleep in every crazy place imaginable or a bus with no heat in the middle of winter or no ac in Fla. August heat waves, etc... Then spend 20 more yrs. being abused by corrupt cops and authorities while operating a music venue and at the same time learning how to be an organic farmer and tweaking sauce recipes for 23 yrs., going 3 days at a time with no sleep to protect your crop from blizzards or ice storms on top of all the other normal requirements of starting these type of small businesses like working 16 hrs. per day like most small business owners. Despite all of that I have had a fantastic life and consider myself rich beyond measure in experience,family, friends and cool people and I have no regrets. These things dont upset me regardless how it sounds. What bugs me is posers or wannabes who I have done nothing to, that have pretended to be friends while in reality trying to take away from what I have earned fair and square. I never asked anybody to pretend to be a friend and stab me in the back or be a jealous loser for no reason. Be gone posers and go earn your own wings and let me fly while I still have mine! Time is precious and I dont have time to let you clip my wings with your lame jealousy. Be gone I say and find your path to realizing your own dreams instead of messing with me and my people. I didnt get anywhere by trying to hinder others and I didnt get anywhere alone. I owe it to those who have helped and supported me along the way to not let posers get away with trying to sneak in and take away the progress that was earned through earnest effort. If you want a fulfilling life,try adding the word effort to your vocabulary and learning the true meaning of the word! Ok rant over FOR NOW. lol
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 03:30:36 +0000

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