Dumb, Dumber, Dumbest R.I.P.D.- PG-13 * This, so far, is the - TopicsExpress


Dumb, Dumber, Dumbest R.I.P.D.- PG-13 * This, so far, is the DUMBEST movie of the summer. A total waste of Ryan Reynolds and Jeff Bridges, it doesn’t know what it wants to be and therefore is nothing. Bridges, as a 1900 western sheriff, reluctantly welcomes Reynolds, just slain, as his, tentative partner in the Rest in Peace Department—all dead policemen from various times and cultures. Mary Louise Parker wears a black wig for her part as the receptionist to the department, Proctor, but she still can’t hide from the horrible nothingness that is this film. It’s supernatural enough but the effects keep piling up with no rhyme or reason, and the carnage mounts, Boston is destroyed (New York was already wasted on another mindless movie) and minute by minute you realize you’re in a totally confused film that has no purpose, winding aimlessly from crash to crash, doing more CGI of monsters, more weird clouds from the sky, very little humor and only one watch-worthy character: Marissa Miller as Bridges’ avatar. She says nothing but doesn’t have to. At 5’8” and with eight SI swimsuit issues under her wherever she’d put it she is extremely striking, to say the least. Unfortunately, the concept doesn’t work as neither she nor Reynold’s avatar, a Chinese man, make any sense and are confusingly thrown on screen at inexplicable moments, merely adding to the muddle. This is bang bang exploitation at its worst. Avoid it if at all possible.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 18:34:19 +0000

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