Dun Renard Check this out! Front page of the Washington Post - TopicsExpress


Dun Renard Check this out! Front page of the Washington Post Today! https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=459097840875786&set=a.157069831078590.31188.150882998363940&type=1&theater BREAKING NEWS-- UDPATE OCTOBER 22 2013--THE WASHINGTON POST USED THIS PICTURE ON THE FRONT PAGE OF THEIR WORLD WIDE CIRCULATION WITH A HUGE ARTICLE ON FUKUSHIMA TODAY!! While it is good that the article was published, here are the major points they missed: 1. They did not mention the fact that thousands of children like this little girl are currently being exposed to an annual radiation dose that pre-Fukushima was only acceptable for grown men working at nuclear power plants. To protect the nuclear industry, instead of evacuating the children like they should, the gov has made them stay. Children have already had to get their throats sliced open to get the cancer out. Of course more and more of these crimes against children will happen unless we-- as non psychopathic--non industry protecting-- common sense people --reach a point where collectively we ask ourselves a simple question: Should we continue allowing the protection of the nuclear industry by governments or start asking for protection of the health and well being of these innocent children? Which will it be? What will you choose? Lets start asking the question. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=461335760651994&set=pb.150882998363940.-2207520000.1382481959.&type=3&theater Evacuate Fukushima 福島の子供を守れ 2. Theres a stretch of 3000 nautical miles where THE OCEAN IS DEAD...nothing living... https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=467630266689210&set=a.157069831078590.31188.150882998363940&type=1&theater 3. The FDA is doing next to nothing to protect citizen health from the cancer causing, DNA mutating, nuclear material. While Japanese citizens can only ingest 100bq/kilo of nuclear poison, guess what the FDA says for your family is okay to eat?? 1200 Bq/kilo of nuclear poison!!! And that same level applies to a grown man in the best health ever to the most vulnerable, a baby growing in the mothers womb, or a young child. Makes no difference to the FDA! beyondnuclear.org/home/2012/1/17/fish-eaters-threatened-by-fukushima-radiation.html Thats insane people!!! Especially when you know that there are children who are affected from Chernobyl that have health problems now because they ingested a mere FIVE bq/kilo of nuclear poison. 4. After Fukushima happened, the EPA raised the acceptable level of nuclear poison that our families can be exposed to in our water and soil (where the crops are grown that we eventually eat). https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=454804431260796&set=pb.191108170963758.-2207520000.1382486726.&type=3&theater Why is this? The answer is simple. They know that Fukushima is not just in Japan, FUKUSHIMA IS HERE. Again--lets not hold the nuclear industry responsible for the amount of poison they are releasing into the environment--lets just go ahead and raise the level of acceptability so the new level of poison is acceptable. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=457707467681490&set=pb.150882998363940.-2207520000.1382486984.&type=3&theater 5. Next month (November 2013) in Fukushima they are going to be removing the fuel rods from Reactor 4. If they screw this one up, it has the potential to ruin the world as you know it, and that is no exaggeration. Take a look what the potentials are. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=468061729979397&set=a.157069831078590.31188.150882998363940&type=1&theater 6. Multinational food companies have no problem sourcing from near the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant for the ingredients to make your food supply. newsforyourfamily.blogspot/2011/08/corporate-responses.html 7. IMPORTANT PETITIONS PLEASE TAKE ACTION AND SHARE ALL THREE OF THEM. A. change.org/petitions/mr-president-us-senate-congress-tell-us-where-our-food-is-from B. petitions.moveon.org/sign/keep-harmful-radioactive-1.fb26?source=c.fb&r_by=7470505 C. petitions.moveon.org/sign/the-world-community-must 8. The Olympics are scheduled to be in Tokyo in 2020. Japan is really messed up right now. They need international help to resolve Fukushima,no doubt about it. The nuclear industry themselves needs to step in to help. They have remained in the background out of the spotlight because stepping up to the plate would be an admission that there is a problem. There is a problem!!! Face it!! It cannot be denied like Chernobyl was. Denying before did no good for anyone. vimeo/33724891 ORIGINAL POST WITH THIS PICTURE BACK ON OCTOBER 4-- WORTH A READ---Whats this?! NBC News actually allowing an antinuclear story? While it is only a collection of 25 photos with captions, it is a start. Scroll down on this link and click on Broken Lives of Fukushima Slide Show. The caption on this photo reads: A doctor conducts a thyroid examination on four-year-old Maria Sakamoto at the Iwaki Radiation Citizen Center in Iwaki town. The non-profit organization offers free thyroid examinations for children from the Fukushima area. The World Health Organisation says children in the area may have a higher risk of developing thyroid cancer in the wake of the nuclear disaster. (Using the word may is an understatement--they know it will--just that they cant come right out and say that as the pronuclear International Atomic Energy Agency at the UN has to approve all the World Health Organizations comments --weird pecking order at the UN but thats the truth..and the IAEA doesnt want you to know how bad things could get near you if a nuclear reactor explodes near you. vimeo/33724891) NUCLEAR POWER IS NOT WORTH RISKING THE SUFFERING OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES LIKE THIS. 100 nuclear power plants in the US. SHUT THEM DOWN. WE DONT WANT TO BE NEXT. THIS IS NOT FEAR MONGERING--THIS IS A REALITY CHECK. nrdc.org/nuclear/fallout/ More than 120 million Americans living within 50 miles of a U.S. nuclear power plant – the distance the U.S. government told Americans to evacuate from the area around the Fukushima plant which is a severe underestimation of the distance where people could be affected--the wind carried nuclear fallout all the way to Tokyo almost 200 miles from Fukushima!– we cannot afford to stand by and hope the worst wont happen here, especially with extreme weather intensifying around the globe that could comprise our nuclear reactors. MEANWHILE--money.cnn/news/specials/nuclear_power_plants_locations/The US gov tells US citizens the only people who need to be concerned about evacuating are those 10 miles around--what a joke! Purposeful underestimation to keep people from wanting it shut down! If more people knew their lives could be affected like the people in Japan are suffering right now, they would want the reactors 200 miles around them shut down and the pronuclear NRC knows it! So instead they say, nobody needs to worry about something like that unless you are 10 miles around. Use your own head. Do you think that is right what they are doing? If not, stand up and say something! Call your reps! WAKE SOME PEOPLE UP: END THE NUCLEAR CON JOB! https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=458874010898169&set=a.157069831078590.31188.150882998363940&type=1&relevant_count=1 photoblog.nbcnews/_news/2013/10/03/20803316-inside-fukushimas-exclusion-zone-a-farmer-sheltered-over-500-abandoned-animals Check this out! Front page of the Washington Post Today! https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=459097840875786&set=a.157069831078590.31188.150882998363940&type=1&theater BREAKING NEWS-- UDPATE OCTOBER 22 2013--THE WASHINGTON POST USED THIS PICTURE ON THE FRONT PAGE OF THEIR WORLD WIDE CIRCULATION WITH A HUGE ARTICLE ON FUKUSHIMA TODAY!! While it is good that the article was published, here are the major points they missed: 1. They did not mention the fact that thousands of children like this little girl are currently being exposed to an annual radiation dose that pre-Fukushima was only acceptable for grown men working at nuclear power plants. To protect the nuclear industry, instead of evacuating the children like they should, the gov has made them stay. Children have already had to get their throats sliced open to get the cancer out. Of course more and more of these crimes against children will happen unless we-- as non psychopathic--non industry protecting-- common sense people --reach a point where collectively we ask ourselves a simple question: Should we continue allowing the protection of the nuclear industry by governments or start asking for protection of the health and well being of these innocent children? Which will it be? What will you choose? Lets start asking the question. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=461335760651994&set=pb.150882998363940.-2207520000.1382481959.&type=3&theater Evacuate Fukushima 福島の子供を守れ 2. Theres a stretch of 3000 nautical miles where THE OCEAN IS DEAD...nothing living... https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=467630266689210&set=a.157069831078590.31188.150882998363940&type=1&theater 3. The FDA is doing next to nothing to protect citizen health from the cancer causing, DNA mutating, nuclear material. While Japanese citizens can only ingest 100bq/kilo of nuclear poison, guess what the FDA says for your family is okay to eat?? 1200 Bq/kilo of nuclear poison!!! And that same level applies to a grown man in the best health ever to the most vulnerable, a baby growing in the mothers womb, or a young child. Makes no difference to the FDA! beyondnuclear.org/home/2012/1/17/fish-eaters-threatened-by-fukushima-radiation.html Thats insane people!!! Especially when you know that there are children who are affected from Chernobyl that have health problems now because they ingested a mere FIVE bq/kilo of nuclear poison. 4. After Fukushima happened, the EPA raised the acceptable level of nuclear poison that our families can be exposed to in our water and soil (where the crops are grown that we eventually eat). https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=454804431260796&set=pb.191108170963758.-2207520000.1382486726.&type=3&theater Why is this? The answer is simple. They know that Fukushima is not just in Japan, FUKUSHIMA IS HERE. Again--lets not hold the nuclear industry responsible for the amount of poison they are releasing into the environment--lets just go ahead and raise the level of acceptability so the new level of poison is acceptable. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=457707467681490&set=pb.150882998363940.-2207520000.1382486984.&type=3&theater 5. Next month (November 2013) in Fukushima they are going to be removing the fuel rods from Reactor 4. If they screw this one up, it has the potential to ruin the world as you know it, and that is no exaggeration. Take a look what the potentials are. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=468061729979397&set=a.157069831078590.31188.150882998363940&type=1&theater 6. Multinational food companies have no problem sourcing from near the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant for the ingredients to make your food supply. newsforyourfamily.blogspot/2011/08/corporate-responses.html 7. IMPORTANT PETITIONS PLEASE TAKE ACTION AND SHARE ALL THREE OF THEM. A. change.org/petitions/mr-president-us-senate-congress-tell-us-where-our-food-is-from B. petitions.moveon.org/sign/keep-harmful-radioactive-1.fb26?source=c.fb&r_by=7470505 C. petitions.moveon.org/sign/the-world-community-must 8. The Olympics are scheduled to be in Tokyo in 2020. Japan is really messed up right now. They need international help to resolve Fukushima,no doubt about it. The nuclear industry themselves needs to step in to help. They have remained in the background out of the spotlight because stepping up to the plate would be an admission that there is a problem. There is a problem!!! Face it!! It cannot be denied like Chernobyl was. Denying before did no good for anyone. vimeo/33724891 ORIGINAL POST WITH THIS PICTURE BACK ON OCTOBER 4-- WORTH A READ---Whats this?! NBC News actually allowing an antinuclear story? While it is only a collection of 25 photos with captions, it is a start. Scroll down on this link and click on Broken Lives of Fukushima Slide Show. The caption on this photo reads: A doctor conducts a thyroid examination on four-year-old Maria Sakamoto at the Iwaki Radiation Citizen Center in Iwaki town. The non-profit organization offers free thyroid examinations for children from the Fukushima area. The World Health Organisation says children in the area may have a higher risk of developing thyroid cancer in the wake of the nuclear disaster. (Using the word may is an understatement--they know it will--just that they cant come right out and say that as the pronuclear International Atomic Energy Agency at the UN has to approve all the World Health Organizations comments --weird pecking order at the UN but thats the truth..and the IAEA doesnt want you to know how bad things could get near you if a nuclear reactor explodes near you. vimeo/33724891) NUCLEAR POWER IS NOT WORTH RISKING THE SUFFERING OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES LIKE THIS. 100 nuclear power plants in the US. SHUT THEM DOWN. WE DONT WANT TO BE NEXT. THIS IS NOT FEAR MONGERING--THIS IS A REALITY CHECK. nrdc.org/nuclear/fallout/ More than 120 million Americans living within 50 miles of a U.S. nuclear power plant – the distance the U.S. government told Americans to evacuate from the area around the Fukushima plant which is a severe underestimation of the distance where people could be affected--the wind carried nuclear fallout all the way to Tokyo almost 200 miles from Fukushima!– we cannot afford to stand by and hope the worst wont happen here, especially with extreme weather intensifying around the globe that could comprise our nuclear reactors. MEANWHILE--money.cnn/news/specials/nuclear_power_plants_locations/The US gov tells US citizens the only people who need to be concerned about evacuating are those 10 miles around--what a joke! Purposeful underestimation to keep people from wanting it shut down! If more people knew their lives could be affected like the people in Japan are suffering right now, they would want the reactors 200 miles around them shut down and the pronuclear NRC knows it! So instead they say, nobody needs to worry about something like that unless you are 10 miles around. Use your own head. Do you think that is right what they are doing? If not, stand up and say something! Call your reps! WAKE SOME PEOPLE UP: END THE NUCLEAR CON JOB! https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=458874010898169&set=a.157069831078590.31188.150882998363940&type=1&relevant_count=1 photoblog.nbcnews/_news/2013/10/03/20803316-inside-fukushimas-exclusion-zone-a-farmer-sheltered-over-500-abandoned-animals
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 04:21:47 +0000

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