During Obamas post election speech he made many comments here are - TopicsExpress


During Obamas post election speech he made many comments here are a few of them as they relate to the TPP issue happening right now. He is optimistic about Americas future although he didnt differentiate whether he meant the 1% or the middle class. He said, that he wants to make sure that communities are creating jobs. He said that he wants to open up the doors of opportunity to people who want the responsibility. Im not sure which country he meant. He said the United States has big things to do! We can and we will if we do it together. Hmmm. He said that he wants to Extend more opportunities into the middle class. Improve our schools. Keep our economy competitive. Those ideas I have overlap some of the ideas that Republicans have. He wants to reach out to Republicans and have them put together an agenda that they would like to accomplish. He wants to build up some trust with the Repugs. and on and on and on.... He said that he wants to deliver more opportunity to the People. Again, Im not sure which country he meant. He also said that he is going to wake up every day and do his best for the American People. Like cutting Social Security? . This all said. Here is the TPP issue detail that he is currently working on and today flew to China for a meeting about this: . The TPP, unfortunately, is really a delivery mechanism for a lot of the things McConnell and the Republicans like. So, for instance: . It would increase the duration of patents for Big Pharma and, as a result, give them windfall profits but increase our medicine prices. . It could roll back financial regulation on big banks. . It could limit Internet freedom, sort of sneak through the back door the Stop Online Piracy Act, SOPA. . And—they love this—it would give special privileges and rights for foreign corporations to skirt around our courts and sue the U.S. government to raid our treasury over any environmental, consumer health law that they think undermine their expected future profits, the so-called investor-state enforcement system. . Plus, it would have the NAFTA-style rules that make it easier to offshore jobs, making it easier to relocate to low-wage countries. . SO, THE SORT OF GROTESQUE QUESTION IS: WHY DOES PRESIDENT OBAMA LIKE THE TPP? IT’S PRETTY CLEAR WHY MCCONNELL LIKES IT. IT WAS NEGOTIATED WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF 600 CORPORATE ADVISERS, OFFICIAL CORPORATE TRADE ADVISERS IN THE U.S. THE AGREEMENT HAS BEEN THE INITIATIVE OF THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION. IT WAS STARTED BY BUSH, BUT INSTEAD OF TURNING IT AROUND AND MAKING IT SOMETHING DIFFERENT, THE OBAMA FOLKS PICKED IT UP AND, FRANKLY, HAVE MADE IT EVEN MORE EXTREME. So, the question really, in a way, is, the Democratic Congress—the Democrats in Congress and the public, including a lot of tea party conservatives, have plenty not to like. Oh, I forgot about the part of TPP where it bans Buy America, Buy Local. Really bad agreement, 29 chapters, only a few of them about trade, so it’s really a sneak attack branded as a trade agreement. . And the key to that, probably, is right now a fight between the U.S. and Japan in agriculture. So there’s a little weird twist there, where the Republicans in Congress have said that either Japan has to get rid of all of its tariffs on agriculture products or it should be thrown out of the agreement. In a weird way, it’s not clear to me that the Republicans taking over makes it actually easier for Obama to make that deal, given they’re the ones who have been particularly harsh about that issue. But there is this big negotiation coming up in China in a week. And this was supposed to be the deadline to finish TPP, which, with any luck and a lot of citizen activism in all the countries, is not going to happen again.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 00:14:21 +0000

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