During this long vacation, yours truly had some time to think - TopicsExpress


During this long vacation, yours truly had some time to think deeply about the Philippine situation, Watching the motion picture BONIFACIO ANG UNANG PANGULO gave me some insights why Philippine governance set up on the wrong foot. Many cynics again will shut off this post, but before doing so, please give me some time for some consideration to listen to me, and think deeply , because for centuries, Filipinos (majority of them except the elite who are reaping the bounty of the Philippines) have suffered misery, want, exploitation and poverty. Yours truly after being educated in the top schools here and around the world could not stomach what has been going on for centuries, because majority of Filpinos have for a long time dreamed of a “MASAGANANG TAON” year after year, and this yearning just remains an impossible dream. Bonifacio was a dreamer, but he lacked education and the proper tools to launch his Katipunan to free his countrymen from slavery from Spanish tyranny, sacrificing his life and in the end met his tragic death at the hands, not of their enemies the Spanish friars but their own countrymen..The movie at long last exposed the truth about Bonifacio, and as my history teacher told us in college, he should be on the pantheon of heroes, not Jose Rizal who did not launch the revolution, not Emilio Aguinaldo who had the power to stop his murder but did not do anything, not Manuel Luis Quezon who said he preferred a government run like hell by Filipinos rather than government run like heaven by the Americans. This is what we have, and had for many years since independence in 1946 from the Americans -- a government run like hell, because majority of Filipinos could not avail of a government that is free of corruption, free of mismanagement, free of efficient social and public services like education, effricient transportation services , social overhead facilities like hospitals, high level education, infrastructure and communication, and if these are available, these are only within the reach of the elite. Around 70 million people could not avail of health services, enough food, education and a decent life. Bonifacio and the rest of the leaders who followed him set up on the wrong foot—the lack of a solid foundation that would launch the revolution against slavery and set Filipinos free. This foundation comes from the Word of God. Now I am sure all of you will scream in disgust with laughter. But listen up. If we look at all the other strong nations like Great Britain, America, Japan, Germany, and even our neighboring countries like Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Korea , and Indonesia, these countries somehow hurdled the loop from a third world to the present progressive status, mainly because of good governance. This governance was founded on a strong united political will to survive and hurdle that loop, which the Philippines does not have because of the lack of a solid foundation like a political will and united energy that will catapult our country to first world status, our political will is corrupt , coming from the root of selfish individual interests of the elite, and the lack of unison and unity among our leaders. When selfish interests set in, disunity and chaos follow like what happened to the Philippines. Singaporeans have a strong government based on law and a strong leader Lee Kuan Yew, Malaysia , the same thing, Thailand has a king and also a strong government based on law, the same with Indonesia and all our neighboring countries, while the Philippines has a democracy ruled by the elite with selfish interests The Word of God who is the Creator of the Universe the Lord Jesus Christ will someday rule the world as King of kings and Lord of Lords, but the time has not yet come, because He is long-suffering waiting for people to repent, so that they will not perish. 2 Peter 3:9 9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.---- The second reason for the Lord being slow about his promise to return was his patience. He does not want anyone to perish, so he is giving more time for everyone to repent. He wants as many people as will to come to faith in him. God is not “slow” at all; rather, according to his timetable, he is being exceedingly patient, giving people time to turn to him. Love is the reason that he delays the destruction of the world. Some have attempted to make this verse mean that ultimately everyone will be saved. But nowhere does Scripture teach universal salvation. This verse means that God, in his great compassion, does not desire that anyone should “perish” (referring to eternal destruction). He wants every person to turn to him and trust him. God is loving, but he also executes perfect justice. His perfect love causes him to be merciful to those who recognize their sin and turn back to him, but he cannot ignore those who willfully sin. Wicked people die both physically and spiritually. God takes no joy in their deaths; he would prefer that they turn to him and have eternal life. However, the promise of judgment and destruction show that God knows that many will not choose to follow him. . He will rule with a rod of iron and will set everything straight. If only Filipinos realize the truth of the Word of God, and accept their sins of a rebellious heart, God will hear from heaven the cries of repentance. of our people and heal our land. This is what we are telling our countrymen for years since 1986 when Cory launched the EDSA revolution, our pleas fell on deaf ears, leading to changes of government until now, when governance still wreaks of corruption , inefficiency and chaos. So Listen UP my countrymen, Mark 1:15 says The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel. PHOTO SHOWS SATUR OCAMPO, former activist who suffered during martial law, who is currently Philippine Star columnist, to whom I discussed the PLAN OF GOD FOR THE PHILIPPINES. IT IS TIME TO REPENT AND TURN TO CHRIST FOR OUR SALVATION BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. JESUS CHRIST IS COMING BACK SOON TO SET EVERYTHING STRAIGHT.https://facebook/pages/God-Save-the-World-Inc/293577334015293?fref=photo
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 14:17:09 +0000

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