“Dys-coordinating” treatments of stuttering: a mistake or a - TopicsExpress


“Dys-coordinating” treatments of stuttering: a mistake or a crime? Posted on July 26, 2013 This article is written for both sides of the process in dealing with the problem of speech dysfluency: people who stutter/clutter and the “specialists” who treat them. It will address the various common techniques and suggestions available in the “stuttering market” today. What is the harm of a “stuttering CURE”? It’s no secret that on the one hand, stuttering is a serious problem affecting millions and, on the other hand, is a commodity which is actively traded on the market for a “stuttering cure”. As in any market, buyers are offered various kinds of “goods” in the form of methods, techniques, tools, tips, and other potential remedies for stuttering, cluttering, and logo-neurosis. From the wide variety of “claimed” stuttering remedies, it is not easy for people who stutter and for those who treat them to determine which “goods” are worth the attention of stutterers, and which ones are extremely harmful and a useless waste of time and stutterers’ money in “trying” them. All “stuttering specialists” who offer their tips and exercises to stutterers MUST know, understand, and take responsibility for the consequences of their treatment’s actions. First, let’s start with the fact that stuttering is not a disease to be “cured”; it is a simple “lack of coordination” of muscles of the structurally sound & intact speech apparatus that is not “sick” and therefore, does not require any cure. What is a lack of coordination? Here is the definition from an online dictionary: “Lack of coordination is the impaired ability to perform smoothly coordinated voluntary movements.” So, from this point on, we should simplify the term for such impaired speech = dysfunctional coordination of speech muscles and call it: DYS-COORDINATION. Dys-coordination of speaking muscles is very similar to the lack of coordination in voluntary movements necessary, for example, to play a particular musical instrument. Would the fact that you do not know how to move your fingers on the piano mean that you are sick and it is necessary to “cure” you and/or your hands from such dys-coordination? Or, to provide another example: should you be “cured” from the bad coordination of your hand movements if you have bad handwriting? Or to illustrate with another example: Does making an dys-coordinated movement of your finger and hitting the wrong letter-key while typing on a computer or a typewriter indicate that your hand and/or your nervous system are sick? Should you or any part of your body be cured for typos that you have made? The obvious answer to all these questions is that such dys-coordination cannot be treated medically and that all attempts to “cure” any lack of coordination are absolutely absurd! Speaking is a set of COORDINATED movements of an individual’s muscles of their physical speech apparatus. All stutterers are born with a totally NORMAL speech apparatus, but they lack (never learned!) the clear and precise skills of coordinated movements of their speech producing muscles. Again, it is just like a totally NORMAL hand that does not know (never been trained!) how to make movements to play the piano! This is why the only way to “solve” the problem of dys-coordination of any muscle is through its coordination. Any individual, capable of learning, can acquire the skills of coordination necessary through a conscious process of: 1) learning, 2) practicing, and then simply 3) getting used to a common and natural coordinated movement, which for example he/she can effect by repeating it and following the Etalon approach and/or model behavior as demonstrated by a teacher or a digital demonstration (e.g., ETALON program software). Learning proper muscle coordination can also be compared to an athlete in training with a good coach. Without CORRECT INITIAL COACHING, such an athlete as, for example, a swimmer will not be able to perform at his optimal level. This swimmer would have to consciously learn, practice and get used to the correct strokes by repeating them multiple times, after the coach’s demonstration and supervision, in order to achieve mastery of the swimmer’s muscle coordination for fluent, effortless optimal performance. Thus, like writing, playing piano, or swimming . . . speaking is a coordinated process; and, a stutterer can willingly only learn such a skill optimally through a special course of speech coordination training. Therefore, all those that offer “cures” for stuttering (which is a simple lack of coordination of human’s speech apparatus = dys-coordinated speaking!) will automatically fall into the category of ignorance and spreading untruths as they obviously do not yet fully understand what stuttering and its natural mechanism is. Simply speaking, they do not yet realize that their attempts and approach to trying to “cure” speaking dys-coordination makes them ineffective and misleading educators… Announcing the way to “cure stuttering” is the same as if someone posted the following adds in the classified section of a newspaper: “I can cure an inability to play piano” (lack of coordination of fingers), “I can cure sloppy handwriting” (dys-coordination of a hand), “Will cure stumbling on the street” (dys-coordination of attention) “, “Will cure… any inability to perform any action” (dys-coordination of muscles performing the action that has never been learned or has been learned incorrectly). So, how would you react to such ads? Of course, you would say that these people are on the wrong path. Unfortunately, because of all the misinformation from the media and the so-called “Professionals”, most people remain ignorant and believe in such untruths! Thus, all tips for the “cure” of stuttering (dys-coordinated speaking movements) are exactly the same misleading recommendations made by and for those ill-informed and misinformed people! What is the harm of non-medical dys-coordinating “stuttering MANAGEMENT”? Let’s discuss now various methods which claim elimination of stuttering (without providing medical treatment) and fall into the category of so-called “management of stuttering.” Why is it that all methods of stuttering management are also extremely harmful for people who stutter? Because ALL non-medical stuttering treatment programs offer various tips, techniques, and advices that are MAN-MADE, ARTIFICIAL or NON-RELATED TO SPEAKING actions, they dys-coordinate the natural mechanism of the speaking function causing the physical body to enter a so-called Conditionally-Pathological State (CPS). (See 1*.) The harm of the use of such dys-coordinating techniques is obvious and self-evident! Each and every non-medical treatment of stuttering always contains one or more CPS dys-coordinating training exercise(s) for the speech apparatus and/or other body muscles that do not belong to the NATURAL pattern of speaking actions! Let’s illustrate the above statement with the following example: you have come to a typing instructor and asked him to teach you typing skills. But, to your surprise, the teacher suggests that before you learn how to type, you must first learn how to chop wood. How would you like such a recommendation? You will object: “This is nonsense! Why do I first need to learn chopping wood? Why can’t I just begin learning typing skills right away?” Indeed, this is a logical objection. However, when it comes to pulling more money out of your pocket, “stuttering specialists” appear to use a different “logic” – playing for time and guiding you the wrong way! Choosing the right stuttering program, you would have to pay close attention as to whether or not you, as a client, would be offered any dys-coordinating stuttering management exercises. Any number of their presence in a program that you consider to enroll in should raise a red flag and be read by you like this: “By voluntarily following methods of this program, I will only increase my own speech dys-coordination/stuttering. I will only worsen my stuttering!” Let’s list for clarity several stuttering management “dys-coordinating” techniques that nearly all speech “professionals”, healers, psychologists, and other “stuttering professionals” commonly offer to their clients. 1. Practicing tongue twisters (dys-coordination of speed). 2. Breathing exercises (dys-coordination of attention and speaking mechanism). 3. Fluency shaping techniques ( dys-coordination of speaking mechanizm). 4. Vocal cord training (dys-coordination of attention and speaking mechanism). 5. Performing CPS actions prior to and during speaking, such as: - taking a deep breath (dys-coordination of attention); - calming down (dys-coordination of attention); - relaxing the diaphragm (dys-coordination of attention); - pulling in the stomach (dys-coordination of attention); - focusing on abdominal muscle movement (dys-coordination of attention); - making a certain “helping” movement of a hand, fingers or another body part, which has nothing to do with the normal speech production (dys-coordination of attention and speech apparatus); - beating with hand or fingers (dys-coordination of attention); - pushing forcefully (dys-coordination of will); - slow stretching/prolongation of sounds (dys-coordination of speech muscles); - substituting words (dys-coordination of attention and memory); - unprepared speaking in public (dys-coordination of attention and memory); - yelling, instead of normal speaking (dys-coordination of speaking actions); - digging into the memory in an attempt to find the causes of stuttering (dys-coordination of attention and memory) (See 2*.); - and so on….. …. You have surely heard and tried out many such “tips for stuttering” with limited to no success. Why? Because all your attempts to practice them have only increased your dysfunctional speech coordination! By following such harmful “dys-coordinating” tips, you have distroyed coordination of your own speech! In fact, the more one practices these harmful artificial exercises, the more severe the damage one’s speaking skills becomes as one loses their speech coordination, form, and generalize their dys-coordinated speaking behavior = stuttering. Continuing to independently perform the listed above and other dys-coordinating actions of one’s body over the years, someone will eventually exhaust their nervous system and make the function of their speech apparatus, attention and memory more and more dysfunctional/dys-coordinated = stuttering. All well-known official stuttering clinics and centers, thousands of little-known “stammering teachers”, and Internet suggestions of all sorts of psychics, massage therapists, hypnotherapists, healers, magicians, witchcrafters, etc. use the same destroying speech coordination treatments, and promise to help you somewhat (they do not even pretend, they even tell you upfront that your success is not guaranteed!). Paying lots of money and following THEIR recommendations in THEIR programs you will “fail” in eliminating stuttering because they have inadvertently or knowingly been designed for failure) …. Next, the “professional” (who initially was so optimistic and who gladly accepted your money for his/her “help”) would refuse to continue working with you because of his/her conclusion that “your stuttering is too severe and you are obviously terminally ill”. You would believe this “specialist”, but would not give up and turn to the next “Wizard”, who would in turn, also provide you a new set of exercises and assignments to practice, which also would not work thereby continuing to further destroy your own dysfunctional speech coordination. Can you now see how obviously useless and detrimental it is to seek help with your stuttering from all those “Wizards”? They can only use methods and techniques, which will worsen your speech coordination, or ask you to do something that does not relate to the speech coordination at all; and hence, will not add any coordinating benefits to your speech! The obvious outcome will always be the same: dys-coordinated speech = stuttering. If after having sorted out all available stuttering treatment options, we had to select the most harmful and dangerous methods and techniques for stuttering treatment in terms of how “effectively” they dys-coordinate even further your already dys-coodrinated speech, we would have to point to those ones that recommend practicing various CPS dys-coordinating speech exercises. The more you willingly practice them over the years, the more you destroy your own speech coordination. What is the only harmless and 100% effective stuttering treatment? So, what is the way out of such a vicious circle of various dys-coordinating programs and advice for stuttering that are so common? Currently, there is only one credible scientific and completely free of any CPS dys-coordinating manipulations program available in the world; and, it is the ETALON (model) method that was designed by Russian Professor (and member of Russian and International Science Academies who is also a psychologist and Awakened Master) Roman Snezhko in 1998. Based on discovered, explained and formulated so-called “anti-matter” laws of nature, Mr. Snezhko has designed the scientific, natural and 100% successful method of coordination training – called ETALON – Speech Education Program for instant and permanent ELIMINATION OF STUTTERING. By following the unique (not to be found anywhere else in the world!), natural and simple coordinated etalons (speech standards), any individual (capable of learning) can completely tune up his/her own speech coordination to the ideal level in as short as a three (3) calendar day period of time. The ETALON method is the perfect and only tool for coordination of various levels and types of dis-coordinated speech – stuttering. The bottom line is that there is only one effective and proven choice in dealing with your or your clients’ speech dys-coordination – stuttering, cluttering: - Learn and always follow ETALON (set of standards/benchmarks for ideally coordinated speech to become free of stuttering. - Or - - Continue to struggle with non-ETALON (all other CPS programs that contain CPS dys-coordinating exercises and tips) approaches and stuttering. The choice is yours! Just keep it in mind that practicing any of the ineffective and confidence-destroying coordination exercises will only reinforce your speech in a dys-coordinated state, and your stuttering & speech will most likely remain dysfunctional for the rest of your life. Simply put, you are doomed to remain a stutterer L…. For more information on the ETALON program, please visit: livestutterfree Warning for all specialists working with speech disfluency Any Conditionally-Pathological State of dys-coordination damages people who stutter morally, physically and financially and, therefore, is extremely harmful! All “specialists” who offer their dys-coordinating tips and exercises to their clients with any kind of speech disfluency, MUST know, understand the consequences of, and take the responsibility for their actions. In offering CPS exercises or advice, “a stammering specialist” harms a client just like a doctor who does not follow the main doctor’s rule: “DO NOT HARM!” and prescribes the wrong medication to a patient, who, as the result, becomes sicker. BEWARE: committing a crime out of ignorance is still a crime! A speech professional that teaches CPS methods/techniques and observes stutterers fail may say: “I genuinely want to help my clients and do everything that I have been taught in my professional training! I did not know that there could be any other way of dealing with speech disfluency!” Is this a crime committed out of ignorance? Yes, but no longer after reading this article. For, while it may or may not be a “legal” criminal/civil crime it is certainly a moral and ethical crime. If in spite of all the warnings of this article, a speech professional continues using in their work with stutterers CPS dys-coordinating tips and exercises, and/or keeps treating them with massage, hypnosis, CPS exercises, various devices, tablets and other useless “bells and whistles”, – then, such individual certainly acts not like a randomly ignorant person, but as a conscious and deceitful criminal fraudulently taking advantage of unsuspecting persons in need of assistance! And such “professional” should be held accountable! Anyone who has seen and realized the harm caused by their ignorant actions and stopped performing them, can be forgiven. However, those who have seen and understood the harm of their actions, but still continue to perform them intentionally, become conscious criminals and fraudsters that “rob” people who stutter of their time and money for a “stuttering treatment” that is not just useless, but will further hurt stutterers – because it can completely destroy their self-esteem, self-confidence, and already dys-coordinated speaking! THIS IS WRONG! IT NEEDS TO STOP! STUTTERERS CAN AND SHOULD BE HELPED PROPERLY TO ENABLE THEM TO ELIMINATE THEIR STUTTERING FOREVER!!! STUTTERING CAN BE ELIMINATED For more information on the ETALON program to learn more about how you can learn to live stutter free or become licensed to teach this methodology to help others, please visit: livestutterfree 1*. Conditionally-Pathological State (CPS) is an unnatural status of a human’s body in a certain situation (condition) that interrupts the natural mechanism of its coordinated movements and triggers a stupor. For example, the natural (normal) speaking pattern does not require such “pathological” (unnatural) conditions as taking a deep breath prior to speaking, accompanying speech with a hand waving, or speaking in a monotone voice – all such states of the physical body are not natural = Conditionally-Pathological for the body and therefore, interrupt (dys-coordinate) the natural coordination of the speaking process. CPS = STUPOR. 2*. Lack of coordination (never learned skill) does not have any reason in the unconscious memory; thus, searching for something that does not exist in the memory of genes does not make sense, absurd. This entry was posted in Blog and tagged Anna Deeter, attention, behavior, cure for stuttering, discoordination, disease, dys-coordination, eliminate, elimination of stuttering, ETALON, lack of ability, lack of attention, Live Stutter Free, muscles, reality, Roman Snezhko, Skype class, speech, speech apparatus, speech education, speech professionals, speech therapists, stutterers, stuttering by adeeter. Bookmark the permalink.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 00:17:15 +0000

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