E PLURIBUS UNUM - From many, one The United States of America - TopicsExpress


E PLURIBUS UNUM - From many, one The United States of America has existed for more than 230 years. In these past centuries, the U.S. Constitution -- based upon the Declaration of Independence and informed by Christian theology -- has served as the blueprint for the American Dream. Unfortunately, the American Dream has not been available to all. Because of this, some have grown disenchanted -- not only with the Constitution -- but with America itself. Some have called for a new America, an America 2.0, -- or at least new political parties. Others have called for NO political parties, and still others want no government at all. These maintain that taxes are theft; war is murder; debt is slavery, and all are products of the statist mentality. Most however, simply want a LIMITED government, a government that provides for the GENERAL WELFARE, balances SECURITY with LIBERTY and guarantees our INALIENABLE RIGHTS. But in asserting these rights, citizens have all too often been met with force -- frequently excessive force, what could even be called POLICE BRUTALITY. And many have observed that this brutality has been escalating since September 11th, 2001 with the passage of the PATRIOT Act and the formation of the Department of Homeland Security. The U.S. Founders knew there would be times like this -- and this is why they gave us the Bill of Rights. More accurately, this is why they gave us the Second Amendment -- the Amendment that guarantees not only these rights, but Americas freedom. The importance of documenting Constitutional knowledge for the future cannot be over-stated. Americans today are faced with social stresses, urban discontent, high taxation, the militarizing of our police, uncertain global concerns relating to markets and economics, gmo food subversion, White House scandals such as arming the Mexican drug cartels, Benghazi, the IRS targeting Tea Party groups, and an incessant preoccupation by the Executive Branch for ruling by fiat in the face of a bought-and-paid-for Legislative Branch. All of that and much more remind us daily of the remarkable flood of criminality issuing forth from Washington D.C. The rogues, tyrants and bankers who are more interested in Globalization than a free American Republic, have slowly segued WE THE PEOPLE away from the Militia System. They have also segued us away from the Gold Standard. These actions must be reversed. But who will reverse them? Who will challenge the Globalists and their agenda of a one-world, totalitarian state? The unfortunate thing is, due to the incessant brainwashing from the New York-based mainstream media; the Hollywood-based motion picture industry; the cultural Marxist- infested public school system; academia and portions of the clergy -- as much as 80% of todays population has no idea what the Constitution says. Imagine if citizens dared to disagree with the future being painted upon their retinas by the mainstream media. Imagine if such citizens rejected the war OF terror, called for the END of police brutality and declared that they are NO LONGER going along with the Globalists agenda. And seeing such a resistance to their schemes and memes, the rogue politicians, bankers and mainstream media might arrive at the conclusion that some other PLAN is going to have to be institutionalized. Such a plan -- to their horror -- might even have to include principles in the U.S. Constitution -- such as a sound monetary system and a revitalization of State Militias. And all of this COULD happen because a relatively SMALL group of PATRIOTS dared to disagree with a future being mapped out by an even SMALLER group of GLOBALISTS. If the American people can work through their States, as Thomas Jefferson and James Madison said we should, to control the General government, we could return this nation to its Constitutional roots and thereby preserve American-styled liberty and freedom for all Americans for generations to come. The U.S. Constitution is the engine of a NEW WORLD ORDER introduced in 1776. This Order reversed the ancient roles of CITIZENS and SOVEREIGNS and made the OLD WORLD ORDER of despots and monarchs forever obsolete. As a result, America flourished and prospered like no other nation before. And this Dream -- based upon inalienable rights guaranteed by Natures God -- is made possible by the unity of people and places over vast centuries of time. And securing this unity is the Second Amendment and the three Militia Clauses. For true security is a chore lovingly provided by WE THE PEOPLE at LOCAL levels, NOT just a JOB done by some ELITE in a distant capitol. We are therefore always on a journey to form a MORE perfect union. And, with each perfection of the union, America peacefully demonstrates anew that it is capable of accommodating an even wider universe of beliefs, speech, lifestyles and freedoms. For FREEDOM is the key note. And implicit in the idea of freedom is also the idea of freedom FROM. Freedom FROM excessive regulation and onerous laws. Freedom FROM predatory taxation, debt slavery and forced-insurance. Freedom FROM surveillance, invasion and perpetual war. In short, freedom FROM the POLICE and SURVEILLANCE STATE ushered in by the PATRIOT Act and its spawn. The message is simple. America 2.0 CAN be created by reforming the banking system and revitalizing the Militia of the Several States. A revitalized Militia will provide better checks and balances between centralized Federal power and local State power. This will open the door to a SOUND monetary system with REAL economic growth -- not just pretend growth based on DEBT and Keynesian economics. And if WE THE PEOPLE control both the Power of the Purse and the Power of the Sword we can survive any catastrophe or change, including the coming, MAN MADE, crash of this fraudulent banking system.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 11:52:43 +0000

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