EBOLA Ebola is simply an inspired fear, it is a formulated - TopicsExpress


EBOLA Ebola is simply an inspired fear, it is a formulated medium of d devil to bring people into bondage. U re a believer, u know d truth as it is written...... NO WEAPON(including Ebola) that is formed against u shall prosper! D world should FEAR not u.....as it is written in Hebrew 2:15-and might deliver all of them who through FEAR of death(EBOLA) were all their lifetime subject to bondage. U see that- it is fear, remember..... for God has NOT given us a spirit of FEAR but of POWER, of LOVE and of a sound mind(2tim 1:7). Now u know, u refuse to be a victim of this fear, u stand strong, u understand that EBOLA should fear u- why? Bcos d power of God is at work in you- u re a terror to Ebola, d medicine of Ebola. So u become victorious, u spread love, u live freely from this inspired fear. U spread life- u stop spreading d bad news of Ebola and start spreading d Goodnews of Jesus Christ- d news of victory, d news of prosperity, d news of success, d news of better things, d news of upliftment, d news of salvation. Inspire faith, power, love, divine health NOT ebola. By his stripe ye are healed- as a believer u re divinely immune to sickness n disease including ebola- now u comprehend d life giving words of Jesus in mark 16:17-18--These signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new languages; they will take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing(including Ebola), it will in no way hurt them; they(that means u) will lay hands on the sick(victims), and they will recover. U see that- everything about u speaks victory, divine health and faith. So spread victory, grace and faith in your sphere of influence. U re NOT a candidate for it- U re d medicine to Ebola. Now smile slowly n give JESUS OF NAZARETH a Big Thank You.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 11:50:12 +0000

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