ECONOMICS FOLKS..........your problems are not things like minimum - TopicsExpress


ECONOMICS FOLKS..........your problems are not things like minimum wage and capitalism. YOUR PROBLEMS are the fact that they are LYING TO YOU ABOUT the fact that only 1% or less of this nation is on the minimum wage. Just 1% and those are largely HS and college students. Few people are getting paid minimum wage and fewer people understand economics or they would know this. IF PEOPLE UNDERSTOOD HOW CAPITALISM WORKS, theyd also understand that it allows anyone to succeed who wishes to. Under COMMUNISM no one does well and never has. Why else do you think they FLOCK TO THIS NATION and why else does one think that China and India and their economies are now thriving BASED on switching to a different economic theory? PEOPLE DONT LEAVE THEIR NATIONS THAT ARE COMMUNIST/SOCIALIST and flock to the U.S. w/o living oppressed. ITs just fact and common sense. What they wish to do is take the people they deem lower in intellect (not necessarily true though) and manipulate them to CHAOS in striking, rioting and all sorts of mayhem so they can crash the government system and make you a lifelong slave. Dont doubt it b/c that is what this administration is up to.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 15:13:45 +0000

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