EDIE LITTLEFIELD SUNDBY: I had great cancer doctors and health - TopicsExpress


EDIE LITTLEFIELD SUNDBY: I had great cancer doctors and health insurance. My plan was cancelled. Now I worry how long Ill live. It is an utterly ridiculous notion that someone’s health insurance policy must be canceled in order for someone else to get health insurance. Even more ridiculous is the notion that someone’s policy must be canceled because government deems it unworthy after President Obama, the entire (D)emcorat Party and their media shills repeatedly told us Americans would be able to keep their health insurance (and doctors) if they liked it. This isn’t even remotely fair! Then again, (D)emocrats who claim to be fair typically support policies that are not fair. Anyone remember slavery? It too was the law of the land. THANK GOD REPUBLICANS had the audacity and tenacity to abolish it! (D)emocrats founded the KKK. How fair was that? How ‘bout Jim Crow and segregation? How fair were those (D)emocrat-supported policies? And how fair was it when (D)emcorats filibustered Civil Rights legislation? (D)emocrats and its supporters NEVER think about the real-world, long-term effects their policies will have on Americans, both sick and healthy. This has been an irrefutable fact for the past 150 years! Remember, NOT ONE REPUBLICAN voted for Obamacare! Had Obama and his (D)emocrat cronies actually listened to the American people—and I realize listening is not something (D)ems do naturally—and worked with the GOP, its possible people who could not afford health insurance pre-2008 would be able to finally find affordable health insurance in 2013! Instead, Obama and the entire like-minded (D)emocrat Party rammed their signature legislation down the throats of Americans in the cover of night using back-room deals and congressional trickery, uprooted our entire healthcare system and kicked our seniors, our children, the sick and the most vulnerable Americans off of the health insurance that worked for them! WHO IN THE HELL DO OBAMA AND (D)EMOCRATS THINK THEY ARE!?
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 18:27:12 +0000

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