EINE FRIEDLICHE LÖSUNG FÜR SYRIEN : --> avaaz.org/de/solution_for_syria_loc/?rc=fb&pv=37 A message from Dennis Kucinich : --> action.kucinich.us/page/s/syria Next week Congress will vote on whether to wage war on Syria, a Middle Eastern nation in the middle of a civil war. Say NO to more WAR. Whether you’re Independent, Democrat, Republican, or Green; if you care about our nation, NOW is the time to stand together to direct Congress to reject war on Syria. Sign and share the PLEDGE to Congress that this vote on war with Syria will help determine your support for, or opposition to, any candidate in future elections. I PLEDGE to vote against any Member of Congress, regardless of partisan affiliation, who votes YES to an attack on Syria. Join me. Al Qaeda affiliates, whom we have fought in Iraq and Afghanistan for more than a decade, are known to be leading some of the rebel groups. We cannot afford another war of choice. The government could shut down over budget talks in less than a month. What will Congress do? Vote for war on credit card one day and then shut down the U.S. government the next? Some political leaders are calling for war in order to protect the President’s credibility. Why should or sons and daughters put their lives at risk to protect political vanity? Speak to Congress in language they will understand: Please SIGN and share the pledge to make this Syria vote a defining re-election issue, and stop this move towards involving the U.S. more deeply in a disastrous war." ---> action.kucinich.us/page/s/syria https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=548813878518336&set=a.481950008538057.1073741826.481936318539426&type=1&theater
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 00:02:03 +0000

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