EMAIL FROM MEMBER RE: CHILD HAS GAMING ADDICTION: I need help. Im currently going through a bad seperation with my 2 youngest childrens father. I dont even want to call him a father because honestly, in the 7 year relationship, he never worked, he never provided anything, except for games for himself, he never got them anything, but always thought of himself. I stayed only because I thought my children would be better off having their father in their life, no matter how bad it was. He used to lock our children in their bedrooms so they wouldnt get in the way of his game play, & if I let them out or said anything, there was an all out brawl! I tried so hard to get him to understand that OUR CHILDREN should be the most important thing to him. But video games & his new girlfriend are. He moved almost across the country looking for someone else to live off of & take care of him & his gaming addiction. He never asks me about them, just says hes taking them from me & tells me how good for nothing I am & how he has a replacement mommy for the kids thats not as worthless as I am. When I told him its over he wouldnt even kiss our children goodbye. He was just concerned about trying to get me to take him back & grabbing his games. I have the 2 best gifts anyone could ever possibly ever give me & for that I am thankful. My children are everything to me. I realized that I had to get them out of an abusive & neglectful situation. Its almost been a year since the split, but Im still dealing with the aftermath. My son, whos 6, refuses to poop in the potty because hes too addicted to games to put them down when he has to go or realize he needs to. My ex used TV & games as babysitters. Ive tried everything but all Im doing is making my son resent me. Im not sure how to break the addiction in my son because hes been on games since he was a year old. My daughter, whos 4, isnt as bad, because she wasnt allowed to touch games because shes a female. Shes fully potty trained. Im terrified of losing them! My head is a mess! Please help! Thanks in advance!
Posted on: Sun, 06 Oct 2013 20:05:05 +0000

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