EMPLOYMENT 68E (The 21st century is one in which the approach - TopicsExpress


EMPLOYMENT 68E (The 21st century is one in which the approach to the question of employment must experience a massive paradigm shift, for the individuals involved to experience a massive paradigm towards the GOAL called PURPOSE: INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY) THE FIRST-STRIKE DOCTRINE, THE FLEXIBILITY OF HELMUTH VON MOLTKE THE ELDER AND THE INDIVIDUAL WITHOUT A GOD FATHER FUNDS AND CONNECTIONS. Employment 68E, Is essentially about SYSTEMS? So what are systems? Kindly read on! From employment 68d, we discovered: 1 From Steven Stewarts work, titled The Spy Masters of Israel, which was on Israels discomfiture and total decimation of three Arab nations, in just six days of conflict, during which the historic city of Jerusalem was captured from Transjordan inb1967, we learnt that : The first-strike Strategy-to hit the Arab MiGs, before they got off the ground-had been part of Israeli doctrine, but it was Yariv who refined it to the point where chance was rulled out Steven S. (1980). (Note 1:Yariv was the head of the Israeli Intelligence organization, the Mossad, at the time of the six day war.) (Note 2: The MiG, is a Russian built war plane, that was supplied to the Arabs) 2 While L. Paul Bremer IIIs assertion that, No civilian plan survives the first contact with reality, and its 19th-century predecessor, by the respected Field Marshal von Moltke, that No battle plan ever survives the first contact with the enemy are both strategic and tactical law of reality of objectives and goals, their percentage of occurrence can be reduced. Jack (2014). It is clear that uncertainty, is a dominant factor of Bremers assertion, that can delay, hinder or even compromise goals and objectives, but Understanding The first-strike Strategy is a way out, open to both the cabal and the individual without funds, connections and a godfather. The First-Strike doctrine may be understood from the term preemptive war, of which Wikipedia says: A preemptive war is a war that is commenced in an attempt to repeal or defeat a perceived offensive or invasion, or to gain a strategic advantage in an impending ( allegedly unavoidable) war before that attack materializes. wikipedia.org/wiki/Preemptive_war First strike, simply means initiating the conflict, such that the first of two people, to attack is the aggressor, who makes the first move, to protect his/her interest from a real or perceived threat. As a worst case scenario, imagine a cabal, that deploy the first strike strategy against a bid, pitch, proposal of the entrepreneur or underemployed without a godfather funds and connections! Does the entrepreneur or underemployed without a godfather funds and connections have the capacity to ABSORB, recover, reorganize and then relaunch again in limited time? What if a cabal by the strategy of preemptive war, induces L. Paul Bremer IIIs assertion that No civilian plan survives the first contact with reality, on the pitch, contract, presentation or proposal of the untrained individual without a godfather, funds and connections, how will the individual react? The ability to RESPOND APPROPRIATELY and in real time, to Bremer IIIs assertion that No civilian plan survives the first contact with reality by the individual without funds, connections and a godfather, moves that individual towards his/her goal, within the context of Maslows Self Actualization. BREMER IIIs ASSERTION AND THE TRAINED NATION. The Nation, that trains its citizens, when confronted with Bremer IIIs assertion that No civilian plan survives the first contact with reality, has the following advantages: 1 The percentage of uncertainty and loss of time, may be as low as 20%. Training preempts problems and reduces the chances of Bremer IIIs assertion to an estimated 20%. A good example is the Israeli response to the Arab surprise Yom Kippur attack. Stewart Steven in his work, The Spy Masters of Israel puts it this way: For thirty-six hours Israel was on the edge of defeat...... Miraculously, the Israeli Army, fighting at a quarter strength, held the Arabs during those first few terrible hours and then finally, with all its forces in the field, drove them back to win a famous victory. Steven S. (1980). Saymour Hersh in his book, The Samson Option corroborates this way: By mid-October, the Israeli military had successfully countered attacked in the Golan heights and the Sinai, ending any immediate threat Hersh S. M. (1991). IMPORTANT NOTE Steven used the word Miraculously, to describe the Israeli RAPID RECOVERY; For the individual without a godfather, funds and connections, if Israel, a COVENANT NATION, can tap into its covenant, then the individual, must be in the covenant of new birth, by being born again of incorruptible seed, which is the Word of God. (Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.1 Peter 1:23) as the most effective and efficient strategy for rendering both Bremer IIIs assertion, preempt strike and preemptive war, the cabal may deploy against their pitch, proposal, bid contract and proposals. 2 The time recovery rate, or the time it takes the nation whose nationals have been trained to recover, reorganize and relaunch from a preemptive strike, preemptive war and Bremer IIIs assertion, may be 80%, That is, an estimated 80% of time is saved in reorganization and relaunching. BREMER IIIs ASSERTION AND THE TRAINED ORGANIZATION. 1 The percentage of uncertainty from a preemptive strike, a preemptive war and Bremers assertion may be reduced to 20%, by training. 2 The time recovery rate, or the time it takes the trained organization to recover, reorganize and relaunch, after a premotive strike, a premotive war and Bremers assertion, may be as efficient and effective as 80%! That is, an estimated 80% of time is saved in reorganization and relaunching. Thanks to training! BREMER IIIs ASSERTION AND THE ORGANIZATION/NATION THAT IS NEITHER TRAINED, NOR HAS TRAINED ITS NATIONALS. For the Organization/nation, that is not trained, the reverse is likely to be the case. 1 The percentage of uncertainty that follows a preemptive strike, a preemptive war and Bremers assertion may be as high as 80%, as confusion and disorganization will eat up response time. 2 The time recovery rate, or the time it takes the untrained organization/nation to recover, reorganize and relaunch may be as low as 20%. BREMER IIIs ASSERTION AND UNTRAINED INDIVIDUAL WITHOUT A GODFATHER, FUNDS AND CONNECTIONS. Then what about the individual, who is not trained, without a godfather, funds and connections, who is either an entrepreneur, unemployed or underemployed, whose pitch, bid, contract, project, task, assignment is suddenly confronted with the three fold chord of 1 Bremer IIIs assertion that No civilian plan survives the first contact with reality, thrown at him by the cabal! 2 A preemptive strike by the cabal! 3 A preemptive war by the cabal! Based on the scripture that a three fold chord is not easily broken, what are his/her chances? And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.Ecclesiastes 4:12 Such an individual without a financial backup,peharps with improper counsel, who hopes to: 1 move up the Maslow hierarchy of needs. Daune Schultz and Sydney Ellen Schultz in the 6th edition of their book, Theories of personality say, of hierarchy of needs: An arrangement of innate needs, from the strongest to weakest, that activates and directs behavior. Schultz D. and Schultz S. Y. (1998). Milan Meeskes adaptation of Abraham H. Maslows work, identifies the hierarchy in a triangular form with the lowest needs at the bottom. 1 Physiological needs (hunger and thirst), for the unemployed without a godfather, funds or connection the point is clear. 2 Safety needs (Security, Protection). For the unemployed without a godfather, funds or connection this means a house. 3 Social needs ( sense of belonging, love). For the unemployed without a godfather, funds or connection this means may home, and a peaceful martial union. 4 Esteem needs (self esteem, recognition, status). For the unemployed without a godfather, funds or connection, it may mean professional recognition, a comfortable house, that houses his home 5 Self actualization needs ( self-development and self-recognition). for the unemployed without a godfather, funds or connection, it may mean 1 The Ability or Grace, Being the pacesetter in his vocation. 2 The ability or Grace to, convert his/her self ideal to self actualization. 3 The abilityorGrace achieve his/her goals in life. 4 the ability or Grace to achieve his/her objectives. How can the individual without a godfather, funds and connections, respond to Bremer IIIs assertion that No civilian plan survives the first contact with reality? What impact will Bremer IIIs assertion have on: 1 The Personality of the individual. Brian Tracy in his book The Power of Self- Discipline no Excuses! Identifies three parts of the human personality as Self-ideal, Self-image and self-image. 2 His/her state of complex in terms of inferiority or superiority complex. HOW WILL THE UNTRAINED INDIVIDUAL; WITHOUT A GODFATHER, FUNDS AND CONNECTIONS recover, recognize ( identify fresh opportunities) reorganize and relaunch? The answer to these questions is SYSTEMS! WHAT IS A SYSTEM? The free dictionary defines it this way: A group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements forming a complex whole. thefreedictionary/_/dit.aspx?rd=1&word=system. Wikipedia gives a more professional definition by talking in terms of System Theory. When it writes among other things: The term does not yet have a well-established, precise meaning, but systems theory can reasonably be considered a specialization of systems thinking wikipedia.org/wiki/systems_theory. For me, a system is simply SS! Yes, ss in a medical sense, means sickle cell , and from a sense of history, ss was Hitlers infamous squard of brutal killers. However, from the stand point of with Strategy, with systems in view, SS means SYERENGY of SOLUTIONS. SYERENGY of SOLUTIONS is the simple definition of systems. Employment 68F, will be on SYSTEMS AND BREMERS ASSERTION. REFERENCES 1 Hersh S. M. (1991). The Samson Option. Chapter 17, Nuclear Blackmail. (pp 231). New York. Random house. 2 Jack A. (2014) Employment 68e. 3 Meeske M. D. (2006), Copyrighting For The Eletronic Media, A Practical Guide. Fifth Edition. (pp 73). Australia. Thomson Wadsworth. 4 The Free Dictionary. Systems thefreedictionary/_/dit.aspx?rd=1&word=system. 5 Schultz D. and Schultz S. Y. (1998). Theories of personality 6th edition. Chapter 11, Abraham Maslow (pp 287). Pacific Grove. Brooks/Cole publishing company. 6 Steven S. (1980) The Spy Masters of Israel. Chapter 25. (pp 294-295). London. Hodder and Stoughton. 7 Tracy. B. (2010) . The Power of Self- Discipline no Excuses! Benin. Beulahland Publications. 8 Wikipedia Preemptive-war wikipedia.org/wiki/Preemptive_war. 9 Wikipedia. Systems Theory wikipedia.org/wiki/systems_theory. (INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY:This series is made available to my Facebook friends, especially for those without a godfather,connections and funds who desire WORK, with PURPOSE in view but are either unemployed or underemployed)
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 22:44:45 +0000

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