ENOUGH ALREADY WITH THE TOLERANCE!!! I am a very tolerant person. - TopicsExpress


ENOUGH ALREADY WITH THE TOLERANCE!!! I am a very tolerant person. I was raised that way. I raised my kids that way. I take pride in my tolerance. That notwithstanding for the first time in my 65 years of living on planet earth, I am making a tolerance exception. I no longer want to tolerant those who refuse to tolerate me and other Christians like me. I no longer want to tolerate those who mean me and everyone that I love and care about harm and who would happily do us harm at every opportunity just because we are Christians, or for that matter - Americans I am speaking about both atheists and Muslims. Atheists are using every legal tool to deprive me of my religious freedom and that of other people of faith. They have undertaken an endless assault on people of faith but especially Christians. They are intolerant. They do not want to tolerate Christians or other people of faith and will not tolerate us if they can. Listen to the news. The atheists assualut on Christians is ever increasing and ever more bold. They have now reached the point of Christian persecution and we ought not tolerate it anymore. enough is enough. If atheists want to regain our trust and tolerance they need to quit attacking us, trying to do us harm, and tolerate us first. Next is Islam. Islam is the worst. Islam is the single most intolerant cult (I refuse to call it a religion) on planet earth. Muslims absolutely do not tolerate any other faith on earth other than Islam but especially Christians and Jews. Where they can they outlaw all religion except Islam. They not only persecute anyone who is not a Muslim they even imprison them or crucify, behead, stone or bury them alive. They mass murder Christians all in the name of Islam. Islam is the only faith that permits and even encourages lying to anyone who is not a Muslim. This is condoned in their holy book - the Koran. This, of course, makes it impossible to ever believe or trust a Muslim unless you are a complete idiot or you are blind to this fact. I am always mindful that as a matter of Islamic faith Muslims are obliged to consider all no-Muslims as infidels who must either be converted to Islam or be killed. Again, that is ordered in the Koran and it is being carried out wherever Islam has the ability to do so. Just listen to the news. We read and hear about it daily. Make no mistake about it, Islam hates us. Islam wants to do us harm and intends to do us harm at every opportunity. Islam has zero tolerance for anyone who is not a Muslim. Islam does NOT mean peace as they would have you believe. This is just another lie that Muslims tell us infidels which, as noted, is consistent with their belief that it is actually noble to lie to non-Muslims. In reality Islam means submission. Their is a reason for that. Islam wants all others, anyone who is not a Muslims, to submit to Islam. Radical Islam kills and persecutes us at every opportunity. Moderate Islam either excuses, condones, or turns a blind eye to radical Islam. Either way it is all Islam and it is all intolerant and dangerous. Hence I can no longer be tolerant of Islam or Muslims. It is simply to dangerous to tolerate Islam. Islam is far to great a threat to me and other people of faith to be tolerant of Muslims anymore. So, I can not and will not ever again belive or trust any Muslim on anything no matter what it is. I will never vote for a Muslim. If I were an employer I would never hire a Muslim. If as a parent I had kids in school I would not tolerate a Muslim teaching my kids (again, they can not be trusted). I oppose another drop of American soldiers blood being shed for Islam or any Muslims country. I oppose a single cent of our limited treasury going to support Muslims countries or any Muslim cause unless it can be proven to be in our direct and irrefutable national interest to do so. I want my government to declare war on Islam because Islam has already declared war (Jihad) on us. Is this prejudicial? Perhaps but not because I want it to be this this way. In fact, it pains me to feel this way as it runs contrary to my nature of tolerance. Rather, it is because common sense led me to believe this way. I cant deny what I have learned to be true. That would be stupid. I now recognize and understand that It is actually foolish to be tolerant of Muslims and the cult of Islam. Like if you agree with this post and share widely. If no share button appears then simply copy and paste to share.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 04:22:54 +0000

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