EPISODE 03: PROVIDE A SOLUTION; CHANGE THE WORLD. WHY SHOULD I BECOME AN ENTREPRENEUR - THE SERIES Look at the global impact of Android, Facebook, Google, WhatsApp, Amazon, FedEx just to mention a few, they have all changed how we used to function. Most people joke that every entrepreneur says they’re going to change the world. It’s difficult to imagine how a small shop in the is going to change the world. But they are countless entrepreneurs who really have changed the world in some small (or major) way. WHY NOT YOU? CASE STUDY: JESUS THE ENTREPRENEUR. You may ask, is Jesus an entrepreneur? See for yourself. An entrepreneur is a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, usually with considerable initiative and risk. No doubt, Christianity is an enterprise with the target and aim to profit souls. Now listen carefully; - His clientele is in billions all over the world. - He has billions of employees, and I am one of them. - Jesus established his company (His Fathers business) during The Great Roman Empire, his company still lives on, but the Roman empire is history. - He focused on one product and His product (The Gospel) is published and distributed in every culture/ race/ country. Need I say more? If there is one entrepreneur who changed the world that you need to follow, then its Jesus. I am learning his ways everyday. Your product/ service might just be what your community/ nation needs to eradicate some of the challenges. HOW DID JESUS ESTABLISH HIS ENTERPRISE? LOOK FOR A HUMAN NEED - Thats how your enterprise can bring a solution. ...When Jesus arrived, he saw this huge crowd. At the sight of them, his heart broke—like sheep WITH NO SHEPHERD they were. He went right to work teaching them. (Mark 6:32-34 MSG) What/Who was missing? Leadership - a shepherd for the lost flock. So became one. Become a solution today. ALL THE BEST.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 08:00:49 +0000

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