EROKAMANO URU MADUONG! Daher mar kawo thuolo mar duoko ni - TopicsExpress


EROKAMANO URU MADUONG! Daher mar kawo thuolo mar duoko ni family mara.jaoda mageno(nyarwanda),wuoda kendo osiepna ma ageno to ogena(Obama jnr)parents na,owetena,nyimegena,wedena,osiepena to kod osiepena duto mag fb ma ageno kod chunya duto. Kawuono amor nikech a celebrate 40years nyaka nene nyuola. Aduoko nu erokamano nikech comments,likes,pokes,shares kod inboxes magu emomiyo page na osebedo lively for the last 5 years. without you guys,my page would have been so boring.erokamanouru maduong.Posts maga duto ok nyalo moro ji tee,lakini ka dibed ni post mara moro osegachwanyi to AKWAYI NI YIE INGUONNA!. Usekonya mangeny e page na kae,ma wiya dak wil kodu.Nikech kony magu,waseriwre ma wachulo ni nyathi ma school fees otamo starehe girls 85k this term within a short notice of 1 week.YOU ARE WONDERFUL PEOPLE!.Ruoth madigwedhu yawa!(see a copy of the cheque below) Kendo kuom sapot maru,last year,nene akwayou kony mar sanitary towels kod sabunde mag nyithindwa ma somo nyanza,to gima nene obuoga en ni nene uchiwore ma wagolo pads ma romo nyithindo 600 for the whole term plus bar soaps.kenndo nene wadhi karungu,nyando kod siaya.WIYA KANOWIL KODU!(see the photos below) E page na kae,bende ema aseyudo osiepe ma wuok U.S.A ma osebedo ka biro ga kelo free medical camp e nyanza as a whole every dec as from 2012.through them,jo nyanza mohingo 60k ma oseyudo thieth kuom doctors gi,plus angolo ma free.jok ma osekonya e chenro mar welo gi,daher mar duokonu erokamano.(see the photo below) Through fb,ne ayudo donors from Norway,ma chulo ni deye kod needy families N.H.I.F annually,within muhoroni,ahero,nyando and part of siaya,and this is a 30 year programme,ma ka nyasaye omeda ngima e piny kae,to anyalo roll e out e counties duto man nyanza.The same donors ema nene ogero ni Dave manene epileptic ma owang ka taya oluar e mattres mare two roomed house,kod mama manene yuoche ne odag loko ni ot ot nikech otamre jater(gem area) another three roomed house.(SEE THE PHOTOS BELOW) Nitie kony mangeny ma though me,you,them and us,waseyudo ka wuok kae.ok anyal achieve all these and many more without your support.Aherou kendo abiro medo herou.agenou kod chunya ma iye. wan kaka joluo nyaka waherre,waluorre,wagenre,to bende wapuonjre.abiro miyou nyiero e fb kae,nyaka chieng ma store man e obuongona kama akano gae jokes maga ni lala network. Birthday party mara biro bet sunday @ Club jewels- buruburu gotieno,kendo Johnny Junior ema biro chuado Nyoremo live.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 14:10:35 +0000

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