ESSAY: (1ai) -it consists of periods and groups - It consists - TopicsExpress


ESSAY: (1ai) -it consists of periods and groups - It consists of metals and non-metals in the orbital - It consists of transition element as the d- block element (1aii) Tabulate Name | element configuration (Answers Copied from earlyface) Names - sodium, element configuration - 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1 Names - Magnessium, element configuration - 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 Names - Aluminum, element configuration - 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s3 (1c) Initial mass of the element=428g (Answers Copied from earlyface) After the 1st ty2=25days= 428/2=214g After the 2nd ty2=25days=214/2=107g (Answers Copied from earlyface) After the3rd ty2=25days=107/2=53.5g After the 4th ty2=53.5/2=26.75g Mass of Qt that would left=26.75g (2ai) (i) General method of preparation are known which can be applied to all members of the series (Answers Copied from earlyface) (ii) Each member differ sucessfully from the next member by CH2 (iii) They have the same chemical (2aii) Tabulate Name - Alkane , Molecular formular -Cn H2n +3 Name - Alkyne , Molecular formular -Cn H2n-2 Name - Alkanoic acid , Molecular formular -Cn H2n+1 cooH (2bi) (a)Saponification: This is the process of making soap from the organic compound this is done by reacting organic compound like ether with Alkalis (b) Tissue respiration in animals (2bii) The cassava tuber is pressure cooked to release starch granules, malt is then added at 60degree celsuis to produce enzyme diastase (Answers Copied from earlyface) 2C6O5H10+ nH2O-------> C12H22O11 Enzyme diastase then convert maltose to glucose C12H22O11+nH2O -------->2C6H12O6 yeast is then added, the yeast produce enzyme zymase which convert glucose to ethanol. The process release energy (Answers Copied from earlyface) C6H12O6------------> 2C2HgOH+2CO2+ (4aii) (i)Direct combination of consituent element H2(g)+Cl2(g)--------------->Hcl(g) Hcl(g)+H2O--------------------->Hcl(aq) (ii) By dissolving acid anhydrides in water (Answers Copied from earlyface) SO2(g)+H2O(c)----------->H2SO3(c) (4bi) (i) methlorange------------> strong acid and weak base (ii) Phenophtaliun------------> strong base and weak acid (iii) Litmus-------------------> Acid and Base (4bii) PH Value of a solution: is the degree of alkalinity or acidity of a substance. A substance is a acidic if it is from the range of PH 0+PH 6 while a substance is alkalinity if it is from the range of 8. A substance with a PH is neutral. (Answers Copied from earlyface) (4c) Equation of Reaction Hcl(aq)+ NaoH(aq)-----------> Nacl(aq)+H2O(c) CA= 0.012 mol/dm3 VA= 22.50cm3 VB= 25.00cm3 CB=? nA/nB= 1/1 CAVA/CBVB= nA/nB 0.012*22.50/CB*25.00 = 1/1 CB= 0.012*22.50/25.00 CB= 0.27/25= 0.011mol/dm3 conc of base= 0.011mol/dm3 (Answers Copied from earlyface) (5ai) (a) Entropy: This is the degree of disorderliness of a substance. the entropy of a gas is higher than that of liquid and the liquid is higher than entropy of a solid substance (Answers Copied from earlyface) (b) Enthalpy: This occurs when heat is liberated or remove from the sorrounding when heat is liberated to the surrounding ^H is said to be negative hence we have exothermic reaction when ^H is positive heat is removed from the reaction (Answers Copied from earlyface) (c) Free energy: this is the energy required for a reaction to be occured in a chemical system. (5aii) -concentration of reactants -Surface area of reactants particles -Temperature of the system -Light for a photochemical reaction -Catalyst (Answers Copied from earlyface) (5ci) Lechatelier principle states that if a changes occur in a chemical system, the system will shift so as to annul the effect of the changes (Answers Copied from earlyface) (5cii) H2(g)+Cl2(g)-----> 2Hcl(g) Pressure has no effect in this reaction because the rate of backward reaction is equal to the rate of forward reaction 3H2(g)+N2(g) 2NH3(g) Increase in pressure forward reaction i.e more of ammonia would be formed of lower gaseous volume while decrease in pressure favours backward reaction because of higher gaseous volume.
Posted on: Fri, 31 May 2013 09:20:42 +0000

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