ETHICAL EMOTIONAL DECISIONS (EED) If Liberia must move forward, - TopicsExpress


ETHICAL EMOTIONAL DECISIONS (EED) If Liberia must move forward, we need to begin making ethical emotional decisions (EED). We need to begin holding people accountable for their unethical decisions that have kept our country backward ( long in economic stagnation). Although our country is plagued with Ebola Virus Disease, we will not lose sight of Ellens failed government. In the new Liberia come 2018, corrupt officials would regret their actions. Ellen will have her day in court to give reasons for any justifiable claims or allegations that would be levied against her, and her officials will face justice for any enormities. Unethical decisions made by the True Whig Party from 1869 -1980 and other factors beyond this article, led to the death of William R. Tolbert and eventually culminated into the 14 year civil strife. The same unethical decisions have kept our people in abject poverty where they sleep in poverty, wake-up in poverty, sell under the rain and the hot sun to seek ends meet, born their children in poverty that will eventually grow up in poverty and become burdens of the Liberian society. Our people smell poverty and wear poverty. Poverty is dirt, hunger, and not being independent, not being able to pay your rent ( needless to say build a house, or own a car), cannot pay your own school fee ( needless to say pay your children school fees); poverty is sickness, a disease like Ebola, polio, malaria, dihedral; poverty is crude technology, subsistence farming ( hand to mouth); poverty is also naivety characterized by blind loyalty, ingratiation, allowing yourself to be driven into indecency to gain certain status amongst the power that be. Poverty makes a person venerable to the rich. Poverty makes you to be a paid agent to your master. This, we must put stop to in Liberia. The worst thing in life is to pretend not to be aware of the evil going on around you especially if youre safe and your relatives are not affected. Wrong! Liberians, we have to think again! We are more than these enormities. We can do better than this if we all think again and think right for our country to develop a positive mental attitude (PMA). I think our nation has reached a decision height and everyone (all Liberians) must get involved come 2017. Politics is good, but it has not done our country any good because the way politics is defined in the West is quite deferent from how we define it in the East (developing countries). We define politics as propaganda, rhetoric that pull the illiterate poverty striking crowds and never live by those campaign promises thereby leaving the poor vulnerable. And when the other round is coming by, we go to them again and pull them with bag of rice, money, etc. Therefore, our inability to understand the maturity that is characterized by the meaning of such a powerful word, politics has kept us abated and subsumed in its actual supposition. This, we must stop. For me, I am on board already, and if you join me on this journey with your sincere hearts, you will not regret as it will go down in history that we stood firmed to bring meaningful change to our forefathers land. Listen, The Love of Liberty did not bring the free slaves alone to what became Liberia, but brought our forefathers (migrants from the declined African Empires ) here as well. In short, we all migrated here. Infact, the ex-slaves met our forefathers here. They forcibly and finally agreed to co-exist with the free slaves from America. In fact, it is important to note here that 7 renowned chiefs from Kolahun ( Lofa County ) were assassinated and buried in one grave because they had refused for the land of Kolahun to be annexed to Liberia. The 7 chiefs did not trust the settlers ( the Americo-Liberians) and wanted some form of assurance from the settlers that the people of Kolahun Empire would not be ill-treated, would get protection from enemies and development would ensue if they consented for the annexation. My people had also requested to take appointed positions in government. The settlers agreed in principle to the proposals, but refused to sign the document at the final negotiation meeting, classified the 7 chiefs as trouble makers and ordered their assassinations. The 7 chiefs were arrested and put on firing squad. Of the seven chiefs, one of them was slaughtered because the pellet of the gun could not penetrate his body. For over a century and half, Kolahun has not recovered from that evil art. We are still grieving because there is no development in that part of Liberia and we also care that majority of the counties in Liberia share the same sorrow of lack of development impacts. Everything is centralized in Montsurrado where the settlers had settled. Our Country is rich in natural resources, but the unethical decisions by past and current leaders have kept us in abject poverty. This we must stop and end it in 2017.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 17:09:34 +0000

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