"EVEN THE WINDS AND THE SEA OBEY HIM." (Mt 8:23-27) Jesus got - TopicsExpress


"EVEN THE WINDS AND THE SEA OBEY HIM." (Mt 8:23-27) Jesus got into the boat and His disciples followed Him, Without warning a fierce storm hit the lake, with waves sweeping the boat. But Jesus was asleep. They woke Him and cried, ":Lord save us! We are Lost!" But Jesus answered, "Why are you so afraid, you of little faith?" Then He stood up and rebuked the wind and sea; and it became completely calm. The disciples were astonished. They said, "What kind of man is He? Even the winds and the sea obey Him." "Though He is infinitely powerful but the power of Jesus to save us will depend on the faith we have in Him. In times of problems, do you pray or rattle?" His disciples were amazed for even the wind and the sea obey, Jesus. And so when problems, worries, fears and doubts come our way, let us hear Jesus say: "Why are you so afraid, you of little faith?" and realize that we have nothing to do about it but trust and believe for God knows what is best for us. We need to cultivate our prayer life so that we remain trusting, peaceful and worry-free. If our life is deeply anchored to the Love of Jesus then there is no room for worries, doubts and fears. And our prayers will lead us there. If we follow Jesus, the journey will never be easy. Storms in life may come but the good thing in it is that we have Jesus with us all the way. Worries, doubts and fears come in because of sin and lack of faith. If we follow Jesus, we may undergo the same trials, problems and difficulties yet we face them with great ease and confidence, trusting that Jesus is us all the way. And we fear no more because we understand that our life does not ends in this lifetime, and we believe that the best is yet to come and so why should we waste our time by worrying, after all, there is nothing to worry about. But then if we continue to live in sin, nothing will pass without going through the agony of worries, doubts and fears, again and again. And so let us live life like heaven on earth so that we too may be fearless, trusting and worry-free. And whatever comes our way, we can still afford to embrace it all with a smile, because we know that God is powerful and He is in control of everything, and if God allow things to happen, surely it is best for us, for in those events we learn and grow and we remain deeply anchored in His love. And if we die we look forward with eagerness and optimism to be united with Him for all eternity.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 03:08:11 +0000

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