EVENING MEAL! DIVINE SUBTRACTION II MEMORY VERSE: Gen 13:6 And the land was not able to bear them, that they might dwell together: for their substance was great, so that they could not dwell together. God’s divine order is to add to your life after which He initiates a subtraction process. God added to Abraham and Lot so much that there was no longer room to contain their prosperity. Many would consider this the height of blessing anyone can enjoy but to God it is only a starting point as the multiplication process is still yet to begin. The multiplication process can however not take effect until the subtraction process has been successful. While Lot remained, God was silent and there was no multiplication. However, as soon as Lot departed, God spoke and He multiplied Abraham greatly. There are certain things in our lives we all must let go of if we are to experience divine multiplication. Some people and things are in our lives for a season but have no business with us after that season. We must learn to know when it is time to move on. That someone has helped you in the past does not give them the right to control your life. Remember that God is the source and they are simply channels. Thus, some doors must be shut in your life for God’s multiplying ability to take over. The officer on whom the king leaned had become an obstacle to the manifestation of God’s Word to the king and he had to be removed. Today, do away with everything that acts as an obstacle to the manifestation of God’s Word in your life. CONFESSION: today, I experience God’s multiplying ability. I step into a season of abundance of joy, peace, prosperity and health! PRAYER: the people and things which have no business in my life begin to grow a distaste for my company in Jesus’ name. FURTHER READING : Gen 16
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 16:36:31 +0000

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