EVERYONE WITH ATTENDANCE LESS THAN 75% IN THEORY HAS TO SUBMIT THIS ASSIGNMENT BEFORE 23rd OF THIS MONTH . (friday) SOLVE THIS ASSIGNMENT IN ASSIGNMENT COPY OR PAGES . DSPS assignment(unit 1 & 2) Unit 1: 1 mark questions: 1. Name 2 types of Problems? 2. What is heuristic solution? 3. What is algorithmic solution? 4. Properties of algorithm?(name only) 5. What are algorithm design tool? 6. What are flowcharts? 7. Pseudo language is a combination of __&__. 8. Meaning of robust? 9. Sample software development Cycle comprises? 10. Refinement & coding involves? 11. Define modularity, abstraction, usability, verifiability maintainability, evolvability. 12. What are identifiers? 13. C supports which type of data types ?(3) 14. What is Contiguous memory? 15. Define union. 16. Name different operators? 17. Bitwise operator & its use? 18. State use of compiler? 19. Tools used in organizing a problem? 20. Explain time complexity. 21. Name the 2 types of sorting. 22. Which is the best method to move data from main to secondary memory ? 23. List types of unstable sorting. 24. Name some stable sort. 25. Define sort efficiency. 26. What is pivot & in which sorting it’s used? 4 marks questions : 1. Compare structure & union in c. 2. What is an algorithm? 3. Write various bitwise operators used in c & explain or operator. 4. Define time & space complexity of an algorithm. 5. Explain different asymptotic notations. 6. What do you mean by frequency count & its importance in analysis of an algorithm? 7. Write a note on omega, theta big oh notations. 8. Explain sort stability, efficiency & passes . 9. Sort following by quick sort : 24 ,4,31,2,58,7,21,4 10. Define in detail best, average & worst case of algorithm analysis. 11. Is it possible to sort a file containing millions of record using either internal or external sorting? Justify...! 12. Explain internal & external sort. 13. Differentiate between internal & external sorting. 14. What is radix sort? Explain its algorithm. 15. What is shell sort? Explain with its time complexity. 16. Explain two way merge sort. 17. Explain bubble sort. 6 mark questions: 1. Explain bitwise operator in detail with all its types. 2. What are the steps involved in program development? 3. Write an algorithm to find element in an array of integers and analyze its time complexity. 4. Explain insertion sort in detail. 5. Explain quick sort in detail. 6. Explain merge sort in detail. 7. What are the 3 case in algorithm analysis . Unit 2: 1 mark questions : 1. Stack is ___ in ___ out structure. 2. Queue is ___ in ___ out structure. 3. Condition for stack empty? 4. Condition for queue empty? 5. Condition for stack full? 6. Condition for queue empty? 7. Operation pop & push are used for? 8. For clock wise movement rear=___? 9. For clock wise movement front=___? 10. For anticlock wise movement rear=___? 11. For anticlock wise movement front=___? 12. FIFO & LIFO stands for. 13. Explain root. 14. Explain parent. 15. Explain child. 16. Explain sibling. 17. Explain path. 18. Explain degree. 19. Types of degree? 20. Total degree of a node = _____+______. 21. What is skewed tree? 22. What is BFS ? 23. What is DFS? 24. When is tree empty ?(condition) 25. What is TBT ? 26. Types of traversal ? 27. Level & height of a tree? 4 mark questions : 1. What is binary tree? Difference between binary & basic tree? 2. Explain concept of representation of binary tree using array. 3. Write c++ recursive function. For finding height of tree. 4. Explain in detail TBT. 5. Write pseudo code to find depth of binary tree. 6. Define stack . Write algorithm for operation on a stack representation using array . 7. Explain stack using linked list. 6 mark questions: 1. Implement circular queue using array to perform :i)insert an element ii)delete an element iii)display front and rear . 2. Show how to implement a queue in c in which each item consists of a variable number of integers using single linked list. 3. Explain different type of trees with examples. 4. Write pseudo c algorithm which traverses a threaded binary tree in post order .what is the time and space requirement of your method ? 5. Write algorithm to construct a binary tree from given inorder & preorder sequence. 6. Write a post order algorithm to traverse a binary tree (recursive). Also c++ functions For the same . 7. Write a c++ function. To print given binary tree in BFS (without recursion). 8. Draw binary search tree for following data 10,8,15,12,13,7,9,17,20,18,4,5
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 07:01:42 +0000

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