EVERYTHING PERFECT ABOUT HER: BUT SHE HAS NO PLACE TO GO WHERE SHE CAN BE SAFE “Asia is a sweet girl, not quite sure where she is or why. But shes been able to make that work to her advantage. She greets every day with a new curiosity, all the while trying to make the very best of her circumstances. …Her walks to the park are pleasant and full of timid exploration. Asia is easy to manage, very accommodating and responsive to correction. She checks in periodically to make sure all is well and, when its time to take a break and settle down on a park bench, Asia is ready. She is affectionate but polite and takes her cues from her human companion, always trying her best to please. Take ball playing for instance. Its clear that Asia has probably never engaged in the sport. But shell prepare herself for anything. So... ready...here goes. The ball is tossed. She watches it for a minute, then prances, bounces, hops and heads straight for it as it rolls. Once it completely stops, so does she. She looks at it, pushes it around a bit with her nose, looks up at me, and races back, sans ball. What am I supposed to do she wonders? I throw it again and she dances after it again, and repeats her investigation. The curiosity in her soft brown eyes, the innocence as she gently gazes up at me ... well worth the annoying fact that Asia will not return the ball and so this 2 legged player must assume both positions until she learns its a game of give and take. At one point she did get the ball in her mouth, but dropped it immediately to come running when I called her name. Asia is likely housetrained, good with other dogs, and probably an easy fit into any type of household. Shes a good girl patiently waiting her turn for the smallest pleasures, and so deserving of the largest.” She did GREAT on her behavioral exam, too. TONIGHT, however, Asia is on the list to be killed tomorrow. Please don’t let this happen. Don’t let this beautiful girl perish. ADOPT/FOSTER Asia and make her a part of your life NOW! https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=709569739055908&set=a.611290788883804.1073741851.152876678058553&type=1&permPage=1
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 00:28:20 +0000

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