EVIDENCE OR NOT EVIDENCE THAT IS THE QUESTION - IN WHICH PLACE HAVE LIES AND DECEIT BECOME A WAY OF LIFE? - A:- THE FAMILY COURTS. I have campaigned on human rights issues and other local issues for many years now and I have been involved with political issues both here and in the US and have been part of a variety of campaigns both locally and nationally. But never before have I ever come across anything like the family courts. They are truly an abomination. I have written extensively to many people about one particular case I have encountered, I have no words to express the level of deviancy and unscrupulousness which I have encountered this Local Authority towards the person concerned. I have born witness to false allegations, including a false allegation of a conviction of neglect, which was submitted by someone who works for Cafcass, along with racial and religious discrimination, false testimony, deceit, slander, libel and as for the Human Rights Act, well that may as well be none existent, in terms of the way this particular person has been treated. The family courts have become so corrupt that they have become quite literally a centre for professionals to say what they want, create what they want and lie and engineer as they want, without any recourse at all from the person entrapped by this deviant web of deceit. Even the police seemingly can no longer investigate perjury or false allegations, made by professionals in these courts. Despite the fact that actions by professionals may well amount to conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. I am absolutely incensed that a system which deals with the most vulnerable in our society is riddled with such a copious amount of lies and deceit. Indeed the family courts are no nearer to being courts than the Spanish Inquisition was. I am quite sure it would have been acceptable to burn parents at the stake, based on corrupt and manufactured evidence back in the 14th Century and no doubt would have been a splendid affair for some of the more psychopathic at the time. But we are not living in the 14th Century and the professionals who are willing to do this are not professional at all; they are nothing more than an utter disgrace to humanity. It is all very well believing that you can lie or say what you want with impunity, simply because you have the power and because you believe that there will be no repurcussions, however, those do, need to turn around and look at themselves in a mirror and see just how abusive they really are. Indeed those who do this in the postions that they are in, are nothing more than child abusers themselves. The procedure for ensuring that the submission of evidence is at least accurate in these courts is also none existent, this is an absolute disgrace and completely unacceptable. Indeed I doubt the standard of evidence, which I have born witness to in several cases, could be found anywhere, save for a third world military Junta, which merely wants to execute its dissidents. I do not know how this Government can call itself civilised or live with itself, knowing just how much deceit is hidden by the confidentiality and the secrecy, which is used by those in authority as a ready made and adaptable cover with which to break the law. These courts are not courts, they are a damnable facade, a pretense at being representative of some pseudo judicial system which is in fact nothing more than a created contrivance. Indeed, in light of the way many of those who submit evidence into the family courts behave, the European Charter of Human Rights may as well not exist. Perhaps it doesnt, perhaps it is a figment of imagination, which can be conveniently been torn up and sidestepped, by professionals, judges and others who work as part of this freakish system, which is as inhuman as it is degrading and dysfunctional.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 12:40:21 +0000

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