EXCLUSIVE!! SUPPORTERS CLUB OPEN LETTER TO THE GLAZERS! We are beginning to hear dizzying figures being bandied around in relation to Manchester United’s potential summer spend. With clubs like Chelsea and Manchester City seemingly way ahead of Manchester United right now, in terms of squad strength, it appears that the solution will be to part with hundreds of millions of pounds in order to return United to the top table. In some ways it’s encouraging that such noises are being made. At least, as the owners of the club, you appear ready to put your hands in your pockets for a major overhaul of the squad, if needed. With figures like £200m being discussed you are up to speed with the modern spending habits of the big boys. But should David Moyes really be the man to spend the fortune? After one season at the club? One diabolical season? Sir Alex Ferguson never spent anywhere near that amount in one close season. He probably didn’t spend it, net, in his last 6 seasons at the club. And he did just fine thank you very much. The idea of letting Moyes spend so much is ridiculous for two reasons: 1 – Moyes is doing a terrible job with what he already has The notion that this current squad needs so much investment is absolutely ludicrous. We keep mentioning it, but it’s a squad which won the league 10 months ago, by 11 points. Now many view Manchester United as a hopeless mid-table side. The reason for this is bad management – plain and simple. Why let a bad manager spend £200m when he has done such an average job with the current playing staff? You won’t solve the current malaise and lack of unity by simply throwing money at the problem. I think most readers would struggle to identify a single player that Moyes has improved since he joined the club. Wayne Rooney is happier but this is nowhere near his best form. Adnan Januzaj has been brilliant but Moyes has left him out of must win games and Fergie would probably have blooded him this season anyway. So Moyes can’t take all the credit for this one either when, figuratively speaking, all he has done is found an amazing car in the garage of his new home and taken it for a spin. So who has become a better player under Moyes? We couldn’t make a case for one player. Nobody has improved under this coach. So why let him carry on in this manner? As an elite manager you need to be able to identify top players. But you also need to manage, inspire and coach the best out of what you have. In our opinion, this just isn’t happening. All we see are disaffected players like RvP, Vidic, Evra and Rio. 2 – Signings so far When David Moyes signed Juan Mata he said: ‘This is the first of many more to come. I’m looking forward to Juan being the start of it.’ Er…aren’t you forgetting the £27.5m you spent on Marouane Fellaini? Sure, The Belgian’s performances have been highly forgettable, but (whether intentionally or not) you can’t sweep that massive splurge under the carpet so easily. Few would to argue that Marouane Fellaini has been a good signing for Manchester United. Many view it as an extremely expensive mistake. As for Juan Mata, he’s a super player but Moyes didn’t seem to have a plan for where he was going to use The Spaniard – another number ten in a squad rich with them. So he simply stuck Mata out on the right wing. What an insult to a player who has now lost his place in the Spain squad. So, Manchester United board, are you seriously going to give this man a large chunk of Manchester United’s entire wealth to apply the mother of all band aids to this problem?
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 07:02:24 +0000

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