EXPAND YOUR HORIZON In a lot of what I write I try to take the - TopicsExpress


EXPAND YOUR HORIZON In a lot of what I write I try to take the perspective of vast amounts of time and history and mirror them against the mythology that so many human beings still cling to. What religious people fail to understand is that this isnt a debate anymore. Our desire for the unknown has found a better way to manifest itself through science. When you look at what anthropology, archaeology, and paleontology can show us about our own story of evolution, both biologically and culturally, the claims of various religions ring as hollow as the claims of every other mythological belief system that has died and been reborn as something else. Jesus and Muhammad will eventually join the cast of characters from our history and prehistory that have been vessels for the divine. If you take another step into cosmology, the horizon broadens even more. When you think of the billions of stars in our galaxy alone, the probability for life, and the innumerable possibilities for belief systems among sentient beings, the cries of one group of evolved primates in one span of macroscopic time and space seem pitiable. Beyond our own galaxy there are billions and billions of other galaxies in the observable universe alone. Past the distance from which light can no longer reach us due to the expansion of our universe at a rate faster than light, who knows how many more unknowns await discovery. If you delve into quantum physics, the possibilities get even wider and weirder. Not only is there the vastness of our own universe, but other universes existing parallel to our own. Layer after layer of reality spreads out across an infinite plane of existence that we havent even scratched the surface of. All of this surrounds us, we can see it if we possess the desire to do so. When I take all this in, and someone wants to argue about the existence of a single being that created life on earth and who is concerned with the welfare of one species of primate, it is more than a little hard to swallow. This is why it is so hard for me to take debating religion, let alone religion itself, seriously. What makes it even more pathetic is that they try to use ignorance as a defense as if the absence of the knowledge we have not yet attained is evidence for their mythological beliefs in undead Saviors who came to save us from sins based in an ever evolving moral subjectivity they present as objective truth, open to interpretation, of course. I dont hate religious people, and I dont really even hate religion anymore. I just find it so silly that all I can do is laugh so I dont cry for people who close their eyes to the wonder of a very real universe for the stunted dreams of darkened minds. Timothy L Havener
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 04:50:18 +0000

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