EXPANDING THE WRITING SERIES TO INCLUDE THE CLASSICS ARTS 8 NOVEMBER 2013 MIXING THINGS UP A BIT I have been enjoying reading Robert Services most excellent command of the venacular word in his biography of Jospeh Vissarionovich Stalin (Dzhughashvili) from the town of Gori in Georgia. I have been astounded of how Stalin was knowledgeable in the arts of politics, society, nationalism, ancient history, economics and theology. Theres a lot that I relate to already, especially with his harsh upbringing (the same as President Putin) and how he went about hiding it from a hostile and dangerous world. And how it made him more determined to succeed (Im still reading). So I decided to follow his example and write about some of the classical arts also. I will roll out postings of each at different times, in conjunction with the present series on the Twelve Step program. This rotation of series postings allows my mind to stay fresh and takes advantage of any ideas that come to mind. CLASSICAL THEOLOGY SERIES AN INTERPRETATION OF THE BOOK OF REVELATION OLD KINGS JAMES VERSION This final Book of the Holy Bible has great bearing and influence in whats happening in world politics today, as does its equivalent books in the Holy Torah and Holy Koran respectively. Great confusion and misunderstandings revolve around this particular Book as its rich symbolism and mysterious wording has been generally avoided by mainstream Christendom. This internal avoidance has been compounded with the armageddonic end of the world themes that the Book of Revelation contains; that doesnt make for an inspiring and positive message to attract new members. For a prelude. Here are three unanswered questions of the many to be explained during the series. Why does Christ refer to himself as the Almighty? and is witnessed by John to have brown skinned feet? Where is the New Jerusalem descending from? the stars? a planet? CLASSICAL SOCIETY SERIES THE ORIGINAL 1840 TE TIRITI O WAITANGI IS A BRITISH PROTECTORATE A REBUTTAL OF THE CESSION ARGUMENT The Maori version of the 1840 Treaty of Waitangi outlines a British treaty of Protection that gave external imperium to Queen Victoria and the guaranteed the retention of internal dominium by the Maori tribes. A pre-emptive exclusivity to purchase and sell Maori land to settlers was given to Queen Victoria in return with the bestowing of British citizenship. I will argue that the english version of the 1840 Treaty of Waitangi is fraudulant. CLASSICAL HISTORY SERIES A COUNTER WHAKAPAPA OF THE ORIGINS OF MAORI THE NORTH-EAST ROUTE The voyage of Maori to their homeland Aotearoa is a story that spans half the globe in its immense distance. Within this amazing journey of a whole people, jig-saw puzzle pieces of the origins of many polynesian and indigenous peoples are illuminated. This brings a much needed order and plausibility to the current accounts of a Western journey from Asia that involved pottery (which Maori never got into). One of the many stunning discoveries in this series is that there were not just one but many voyages to Aotearoa prior to the arrival of the main fleets who settled down into defined territories. And also, that there was not one but two routes that were used to enter (for the final time) into the South and greater Pacific Ocean. That the location of Aotearoa was known only to the Maori waka captains; they didnt tell anyone until they settled down here. An incredible feat. One that was only retold and relived when they arrived; contained within childrens storys of how they arrived in Aotearoa. This series will draw upon religious, historical and cultural accounts that point to a much different Maori waka routes than the mistaken Asian route theory. Making clear the navigation routes used by Maui and Kupe and Te Parata (of the Mamaru Waka), and the influence that this new whakapapa has on todays Maori. CLASSICAL NATIONALISM SERIES MANA-RANGATIRATANGA: MAORI SOVEREIGNTY IN POST-2050 ONE MILLION MAORI VOTERS By 2050, Professor Mason Durie from the Massey University forecasted that there will be one million Maori in New Zealand; a large portion of them being youth. This series will focus on the political changes that this population growth would cause in regards to increasing the Maori voting pool, increasing the number of Maori seats, increasing the number of Maori MPs and/or political party representation. Each of these factors have significant bearing on the General Elections post-2020 as this growth starts to manifest en masse. By sheer numbers Maori, if uniting and/or streamlining their block voting, will have a far reaching effect and will change the RNA of the NZ political landscape. This series attempts to reach out into the future to determine if political power will indeed be a reality and solution or will Maoridom continue in its descent into a new era of socio-economic poverty and dysfunction, crime and eventual revolution via terrorism? Happy reading everyone. The views expressed are mine alone. Jesse 1465
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 11:38:08 +0000

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