EXTRACT TIME!!! Gee, two extracts in one day - I spoil you - TopicsExpress


EXTRACT TIME!!! Gee, two extracts in one day - I spoil you folks ;) ***** Crossing over was like stepping out of a warm shower. I felt great. My wounds were healed – I still had scars, of course, but I felt like I’d been asleep for ten hours. I was wearing my favourite pair of pants, loose black cotton combat pants. A black button down shirt covered my torso, with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows. I was in what looked like a changing room. In front of me was a single red velvet curtain. I reached out and pushed it to one side, stepping through into my own personal heaven. It was nothing flashy, just a log cabin with a comfy couch and a bookshelf that spanned an entire wall. A fire crackled happily in the fireplace, and in front of it knelt a young woman. “Sofia?” The woman rose gracefully and turned, revealing her familiar mischievous smile. “Welcome to Heaven, Drake Tanner.” I blinked. “But – this is my heaven. How can you be here?” She smiled and took my hands. “I knew you in life, which gives me a free pass to visit you in death.” I exhaled slowly. “I really died then?” Sofia nodded, her ponytail bouncing gently. “Yes. For the first time in a thousand years, you channelled the full power of the Seraphs – killing yourself, but saving the city of Riversun. An honourable death.” I slid my hands out of hers. “Back up a second. Full power of the Seraphs? You mean the big blue ball?” “What did you think it was?” I shrugged. “It just seemed like everything I was feeling at the time was channelled into that ball. It didn’t feel like power – just pure emotion.” Sofia’s mouth opened, and then closed. Her brown eyes flashed as she stamped her foot. “For once in your life – just once – couldn’t you do something the way people expect?” “I did. I died in battle.” “Drake, I didn’t – I only meant that-’’ “I know what you meant.” An awkward silence descended. I had to say something, but I didn’t know how. Well, improvisation usually works. “Sofia, I’m – I’m sorry.” She looked up, her eyes wide. “What for?” I wiped my palms on the legs of my pants. “For…for letting you down.” Her head tilted to one side. “But you didn’t. Wait, unless…oh, by the Eternal Flame – Drake Tanner, are you telling me you went on a date with Charlotte?” “Wait, what? I- no, why would you think that? I meant I’m sorry for failing to rescue you!” Sofia shook her head and looped her arm through mine. “Come for a walk, Drake. We need to talk.” Outside was a lush Japanese-style garden. Weathered stepping stones threaded a path through soft grass, while apple blossoms drifted slowly to the ground. A yellow-eyed Iriomote cat watched us from the boughs of a red cedar, her tail flicking back and forth. Larks dipped and wheeled in the sky, singing the song of their species in delight. As we walked, Sofia explained her lack of anger at my failure. According to her, she’d had visions of her death, and had known her sacrifice would aid me in following the path of the Seraphs. She’d given up her life willingly to save both mine and Emma’s, and she had no regrets in doing so. Although she was a little put out with me for dying. Which was fair enough, I guess. As we came to a small pond Sofia turned to me. “So what are you going to do?” I looked at her with my mouth half-open for a few seconds. “What do you mean? I’m dead. I suppose I’ll start decomposing, but aside from that my options are fairly limited, methinks.” She swatted my arm. “Drake, death is a choice, just as much as life is.” “You mean I could…go back?” Sofia chewed her bottom lip for a moment, the way she always did when she was experimenting. “Theoretically, yes. As long as your physical form is intact, you could indeed return.” I knelt beside the pond and waved my hand over the water. The surface of the water rippled, revealing the interior of the Sanctum of the Eternal Flame. A funeral pyre had been built, and resting on top of it was my body. I looked like hell. The torches were extinguished, and the Sanctum was dark, save for the flickering light cast by the undying flame. In front of the pyre were three great cats – two tigers and a cheetah. Hunter, Bela and Roseheart. Emma leant against Hunter, her fingers tangled in his fur as tears carved streaks through the blood and grime on her face. Cass was sat between Roseheart’s forelegs, her head resting against Rose’s chest. Dominic was crouched beside her, rubbing her shoulder and speaking to her softly. Sarelle was knelt in front the pyre, her hands pressed together and her head bowed. I looked back at Sofia. “If I go back – things won’t be easy. I’ll still have to face the Scions.” She nodded. “You will. It certainly won’t be a walk in the park. Yet you combine the two strongest bloodlines anyone has seen since the first Seraphs stood against the forces of Hell. If anyone can defeat them, you can.” I stood and dusted my pants off. “Then send me back. I have work to do.” ***** Only half-dead, it seems. ;) ~Janduin, Archangel of Feels
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 09:44:28 +0000

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