## EXTREME LANGUAGE WARNING EXTREME LANGUAGE WARNING ## ## EXTREME LANGUAGE WARNING ## ## EXTREME LANGUAGE WARNING ## ## DID I MENTION THE EXTREME LANGUAGE WARNING? ## ## HOW OLD ARE YOU AGAIN? WHAT?!! LEAVE NOW!! GO TO WWW.DISNEY.COM!! ## ## I SEE YOU!! IM LOOKING RIGHT AT YOU!! WWW.DISNEY.COM. GO THERE: NOW. ## ## I *WILL* TELL YOUR MOTHER. IM CALLING HER NOW. IM LOOKING RIGHT AT YOU!! ## ## EXTREME LANGUAGE WARNING ## =================== I affectionately and warmly entitle this essay ... The Shitstorm . I hope you like it as much as I enjoyed writing it. The Shitstorm =================== I shit on your house. I shit on your car. I shit on your manicured lawn. I shit on it all because even this is a gross over-representation of its value from the perspective of eternity. Thats right, from the perspective of eternity, shit has infinitely more value than your house, your car, your manicured lawn and your oh-so-precious reputation in the community (whatever the hell that means) that these things supposedly give you . And yet you, YOU, ACT as if thats ALL there is. What a disgrace. I shit on it all. >> As an aside (and I LOVE asides!), you might think shit is worthless. Not so. Shit is good for pranking, since you can wrap it in a brown paper bag, put it on your friends porch, light the bag on fire, ring the doorbell, run and then watch from a distance. Its actually kinda made for that. Its also good for gardening. Unquestionably. Its what makes tomatoes so juicy and delicious. If you think Im being facetious, consider this: This guy made a business from shit: poopsenders/order/. I bet he makes more money than you. I bet he has a nicer house, a more expensive car and more luxurious landscaping. I bet he has more friends, too and a better reputation in the community. Ha! He almost certainly has more initiative, creative energy, personal boldness and business skills. You might want to reconsider the value of shit.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 17:57:26 +0000

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