Each of these children have a story. Some of their stories begin - TopicsExpress


Each of these children have a story. Some of their stories begin with the words: I dont remember my mother others do remember their mothers and fathers. . Thank God many of these precious children had loving caring parents to remember. . The sad part of that being their loving parents were snatched away from them in the blink of an eye by the 2004 tsunami that hit much of Asia and S. India, or by a disease your parents did not have money to treat. . A few of them do not have good memories of their parents Two of the girls pictured here live in Orphan Care, but have living parents,. one of the girls was raped by her father ,who is in prison for that, the mother has leprosy therefore, cannot provide for her children. . The eight year old girl asked to come to live in our Orphan Home...who could say no to her? More people than one might guess. One of the girls pictured has a living mother who has abandoned her. We do not know where the mother is living or if living as she has AIDS, the father has died from the disease. We are honored to serve children anywhere , especially where our work is located. Great kids with no future and their past ripped away from them Divakar , second photo, was injured while living on the seashore after the tsunami. He is deaf in one ear and vision poor in one eye, if we had funds his condition is operable . All of these children are rescued children. In our country we rescue wonderful deserving animals... a great cause. We try to rescue children in a foreign country is this not a great cause as well. Praying for children around the world....this misery is everywhere.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 14:59:44 +0000

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