Earnest Olawale wrote: STILL CONSIDERING THE OPPOSITION MEGA - TopicsExpress


Earnest Olawale wrote: STILL CONSIDERING THE OPPOSITION MEGA PARTY? When in the past, it was rumoured, via a whispering campaign, that, a new mega-party would be formed to checkmate, the excesses of the party in government, the PDP, many looked forward to a real democratic party of like minded Nigerians that would be moved by ideology and love of country. We all looked forward to a better party with better democratic dispensations than the PDP boasts of. We expected a party of peace loving, progress driven and skilled politicians. Little did we expect that, the party would be the coming together of tactless, selfish, arrogant, ambition driven, hateful, jealous, self deluded and megalomania oriented conspirators who are now bent at seeing the end of our nation at all and any cost, just to fulfill their wasteful their selfish ambitions. The people who eventually came together to form the said mega party did not even know what they wanted or why they wanted to come together except that, President Goodluck Jonathan had to go. Why he had to go they could not even tell us. It must be borne in mind that, the rumour to form another party to challenge the PDP had been so rife, just a few months into the Jonathan government which was never given a chance to mature, plot its mode of governance or operation, plan any project or chart a way forward. What was then, the basis of the intention to form another party? Til date, no one can say they know except that, the President must go. As a result, the members of the new mega party met and resolved to start a campaign of calumny, lies, deceit, misrepresentation, misinterpretation and the lot against the President and the ruling party. They drafted many in the Nigerian media into their callous plots and used spinning as their tools to good effect to the detriment of the government. They even went as far as to criticise the good things done by the government such as the revival of the Railways which was criticised to be of colonial standards without thinking of the many years it had remained dormant or about the cost of providing a modern rail system for this country. Such was their tactics that it became evident that they would attack the government and blame it for any slight hitch in the day to day livelihood of Nigerians. All anomalies in the operation of States by Governors that impacted negatively on the citizens was quickly hidden away as a fault of the Federal government. The new mega opposition partys resolve to lies, deceit, calumny and the lot could only go so far. Many intelligent and open-minded citizens did not buy into the campaign and many resolved to stand with the government, especially as it was, then, too early to judge the character of the government and of its leadership and also, there were positive things to report in the society resulting from the various efforts of government to develop and transform the nation. The campaigns to discredit the government came too early and exposed the opposition partys stupid resolve and campaign as ill-conceived and untimely. Many of us could not agree with the topics of the campaign because of the hasty and inconsiderate misjudgements. We thought it was too early into the tenure to expect the government to deliver, completely, on its promises to the people. We immediately saw there was a resolve to discredit the government. That hardened us into taking sides with the government and hoping we would not be shamed by government inactivity eventually. Well, so far, so good. Only those who had been hoodwinked into the campaign by their masters, friends, family, colleagues or other relationships can remain blinded to the hefty transformation silently going on in this country. Many of them see the transformation but are too proud or too hateful of the leadership of government to appreciate it and make a U-turn. However, it has been said that, not all of the people can be deceived all of the time. This paid off with a government party win, at a very low and bad time for the ruling party, in an election in Ekiti State,which was adjudged to be both fair and free but to which the opposition mega party members disagreed rightfully or wrongfully. In essence, havent we now seen that, the PDP and its government are the only democratically reliable machinery on the face of this land? The said mega party are now losing sleep over several issues including the loss of elections and membership to the ruling party despite their devilish campaigns of calumny, lies and deceit. Whilst they are busy in the opposition mega party undemocratically handpicking potential aspirants to the different available political positions, the ruling party is going ahead allowing everyone the free hand to slug it out with their colleagues. This democratic attitude is even more appreciable because of the status of some of the members who had just joined or just came back into the party from various other opposition parties including the supposedly mega one, the APC. What of Ribadu who only came into the party just for the purpose of becoming Governor of Adamawa? Despite the feelings, and rightfully so, that, he should never be allowed to contest the governorship election, the PDP, in their democratic dispensations, have allowed him to join the race. How about rescinding their decision to disallow the acting governor from running.for the substantive post. These are complete democratic decisions and processes taken to the limit by the party, to the benefit of the members, the party and the nation as a whole. THIS IS THE IDEOLOGICAL DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AN EXPERIENCED, TESTED AND ACCEPTED NATIONAL PARTY TO THE LARGELY HATEFUL, DISORIENTATED, AUTOCRATIC AND GODFATHER ORIENTATED OPPOSITION PARTY. The lesson that is very important for our future as a nation here is that, opposition parties should not be founded on hate for the other party, for its members or for anyone for that matter. It must be founded on an ideological difference, love or country and preparedness to better the lives of the citizens of the country. Opposition parties are supposed to help in moving the country forward, not backward. This supposedly mega party had done exactly the opposite of right since formation and inception. Opposition parties are supposed to show to the people how different they are to the ruling party and also, tell us at every opportunity what they will do better than the party in government. In a state where the opposition partys name is being taunted along with insurgency, whether rightfully or wrongfully, the health of that state, as in holding together, is in danger. If that is the case then, which country do they hope to rule when they eventually come to power? This party had not been formed on any ideological difference to the PDP. In fact they lack an ideology. They have not offered any hint to move our country forward. They have behaved like they are hawks trying to pounce on a prey. They havent stopped at any uncanny tactic in pursuant of their objective to prey on this nation. Their name have even been taunted along the insurgency bedeviling our nation. They have not even checkmated the said excesses of the ruling party, the primary purpose for which they said they came into being. They have spent all their time in opposition lying against the ruling party. That was not a good tactic. It is now the thirteenth hour. Their opportunity to present a better face than the PDP has melted away. These are not healthy signs that we will have a better government when and if they gain power. I wonder why anyone will consider them for power.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 17:48:08 +0000

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